Hi Kevin,
I just wanted to note, and I'm quite sure you already know, that the chat tab 
is completely broken in Skype for IOS. All it does is read the dates of the 
chats. I'm going to try to downgrade from the latest update.


I'll believe corporations are people when Texas executes one.

On Dec 15, 2011, at 11:30 AM, Kevin Chao wrote:

> FYI: Skype does have blind VoiceOver beta testers, I was  officially
> added as one of them a few days ago, I am plugged into system, betas,
> etc.
> No, I cannot and will not comment on future betas, things that may be
> fixed, broken, etc. However, please post any/all issues you've
> experienced, would like to see fixed, or think would be great to have
> within this specific thread, and I will do what I can to ensure that
> the product managers, engineers, etc. nkow about them.
> Kevin
> On 12/15/11, Mr. L. Alexander <turningbyto...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> not to my knowledge.
>> to be completely honest, my view on this is for a developer to design the
>> program elements in such a way they can be shifted to both mac and windows
>> but using each OS independent programming languages and their own compilers.
>> thus allowing each OS to create accessibility adaptations which don't
>> interupt or conflict.
>> anyway this is now becoming a programming ethos and not skype accessibility
>> issue. so at this point...... I'm out! lol hehehehe
>> lew
>> On 15 Dec 2011, at 18:16, Chris Blouch wrote:
>>> Is there such a cross-platform compiler system that supports
>>> accessibility? Most Mac developers I know of use XCode and so I'm not sure
>>> how this could be used with a common codebase. I know one developer who
>>> was using MonoTouch to make iOS and android apps and the iOS versions were
>>> pretty much totally inaccessible.
>>> I also disagree with Adobe's approach, but as for covering themselves for
>>> FCC compliance they might have a reasonable case to make.
>>> Do you know of a good cross-platform (Mac/Windows or iOS/Android) IDE that
>>> works with accessibility APIs?
>>> CB
>>> On 12/15/11 1:02 PM, Mr. L. Alexander wrote:
>>>> A simple solution is this and it's something easy to manage.
>>>> Where an application developer creates an application from scratch as an
>>>> example and intends to write for multiple OS architectures, Windows, Mac,
>>>> Linux, etc,
>>>> The developer in most cases has 2 options. Either a universal custom
>>>> manguage allowing just one app to be created, then to be compiled to  sub
>>>> platforms ( OS X, windows, linux, etc) or and this would be a much better
>>>> option.
>>>> the developer of an app have a dedicated windows system and dedicated mac
>>>> system to use suitable programming languages which then give user
>>>> accessibility options based on the true OS on each host. thereby giving a
>>>> much cleaner approach to creating a market app.
>>>> I completely disagree with adobe in their support infrastructure to
>>>> access technology. They're a company primarily based in design and
>>>> production tools and of course as part of their infrastructure use
>>>> plugins which the consumer uses such as adobe flash, shockwave, etc in
>>>> any website environment. not allowing us to gain access to the products
>>>> in question is their own problem but they will bring it upon themselves.
>>>> Getting back to the developer side of things.
>>>> I've been involved with a couple of companies over some time where
>>>> certain tools I use have  been adapted to my needs. it's taken time but
>>>> luckily, the team I work with know where I'm coming from and what I need,
>>>> so implementation doesn't take long. it's emailed over to me or accessed
>>>> over server to check and then taken on as my tools of the trade.
>>>> Where we stand to be honest is very carefully. the problem we have is
>>>> that our voices aren't heard nor understood. you get those in the IT
>>>> world who just don't grasp the situation, then there's the types who roll
>>>> out any old junk just to rake in the money.
>>>> I hope and pray that one day, developers see us as real people with real
>>>> needs and not a burden on resources... no... not... "That's a lovely
>>>> burden you've got there" kind of thing.
>>>> lol
>>>> lew
>>>> On 15 Dec 2011, at 17:49, Chris Blouch wrote:
>>>>> But what is the other extreme? Does a vendor need to support any
>>>>> platform they have an app for? What if they take the Adobe approach and
>>>>> support the IAccessible2 API which doesn't exit on Mac? Adobe could
>>>>> claim safe harbor because they did implement accessibility and it's
>>>>> Apple's lack of support of an open standard that makes it fail. Or
>>>>> should they be required to support a specific AT on each platform? That
>>>>> would work well for the Mac where VO is pretty much it, but on Windows
>>>>> or BlackBerry where AT is bolted on from a menu of different vendors,
>>>>> that could be untenable. Will be interesting to see how this plays out
>>>>> and if there are any unintended consequences.
>>>>> CB
>>>>> On 12/15/11 12:09 PM, Mr. L. Alexander wrote:
>>>>>> if that were to be the case, that in itself is product exclusion and
>>>>>> discrimination to users relying on the mac.
>>>>>> lew
>>>>>> On 15 Dec 2011, at 17:07, Chris Blouch wrote:
>>>>>>> I wonder what impact the new FCC notice of proposed rule making will
>>>>>>> have for accessibility in communications apps. Will any email or chat
>>>>>>> app have to be accessibly implemented on at least one platform? So if
>>>>>>> they make Skype work with Jaws on Windows does that mean they don't
>>>>>>> have to do anything for VO on OSX?
>>>>>>> CB
>>>>>>> On 12/15/11 5:58 AM, Mr. L. Alexander wrote:
>>>>>>>> Even though we're a small group (thanks for highlighting my comment)
>>>>>>>> we still have rights of equality and access. it's just a question of
>>>>>>>> working in partnership with developers, even if it means becoming
>>>>>>>> beta testers officially and having direct input.
>>>>>>> --
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>>>>>> Mr. L. Alexander.
>>>>>> Free Macs For The Blind.
>>>>>> E-Mail: freemacsfortheb...@mac-access.net
>>>>>> Direct line: 07936 877500
>>>>>> Twitter: @macsfortheblind
>>>>>> Free Macs For The blind is a charity project supplying older but
>>>>>> working apple macs for blind and visually impaired people throughout
>>>>>> the UK FOR FREE!
>>>>>> Do you have an old unwanted mac, any hardware, software, old PC's, etc
>>>>>> or a copy of outspoken 9.2 you would be willing to donate? please get
>>>>>> in touch.
>>>>>> Mac Access Dot Net; The British Mac Accessibility Network, we're here
>>>>>> to help anybody disabled with anything Apple!
>>>>>> http://www.mac-access.net
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>>>> Mr. L. Alexander.
>>>> Free Macs For The Blind.
>>>> E-Mail: freemacsfortheb...@mac-access.net
>>>> Direct line: 07936 877500
>>>> Twitter: @macsfortheblind
>>>> Free Macs For The blind is a charity project supplying older but working
>>>> apple macs for blind and visually impaired people throughout the UK FOR
>>>> FREE!
>>>> Do you have an old unwanted mac, any hardware, software, old PC's, etc or
>>>> a copy of outspoken 9.2 you would be willing to donate? please get in
>>>> touch.
>>>> Mac Access Dot Net; The British Mac Accessibility Network, we're here to
>>>> help anybody disabled with anything Apple!
>>>> http://www.mac-access.net
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>> Mr. L. Alexander.
>> Free Macs For The Blind.
>> E-Mail: freemacsfortheb...@mac-access.net
>> Direct line: 07936 877500
>> Twitter: @macsfortheblind
>> Free Macs For The blind is a charity project supplying older but working
>> apple macs for blind and visually impaired people throughout the UK FOR
>> FREE!
>> Do you have an old unwanted mac, any hardware, software, old PC's, etc or a
>> copy of outspoken 9.2 you would be willing to donate? please get in touch.
>> Mac Access Dot Net; The British Mac Accessibility Network, we're here to
>> help anybody disabled with anything Apple!
>> http://www.mac-access.net
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