Activity monitor is under utilities.
You can get information from it, but I am not sure if it is all the information 
it displays. I said to get someone because when mine went quiet there was no 
way for me to  read any thing, so I needed sighted assistance to figure out 
which program was eating all my ram.
OnceI found out the bad guy, I was able to fix my problem!
Of course restarting now and then helps! I often forget I have mine running 
days without doing a good restart. :)
Hope is working well for you now.

On Nov 30, 2011, at 1:33 PM, Becky Knaub wrote:

> Hi Rachel,
> I realized I hadn't restarted in a while, so thought I might do that and see 
> if it works. How do you bring up the activity monitor? Does VO not read it? 
> My MBP is only a few months old so can't imagine I used that much hard drive 
> space. Probably just a lot of ram.
> Becky
> On Nov 30, 2011, at 12:22 PM, wrote:
>>   Today's Topic Summary
>> Group:
>> how to work with facebook? [2 Updates]
>> where can I tips on general usage of safari bookmarks with vo [1 Update]
>> Update to my monitor question [2 Updates]
>> Looking for a monitor to connect to my mac mini [2 Updates]
>> Little Mac Victories [2 Updates]
>> Lastpass on the Mac [1 Update]
>> where to start i I want to automate terminal commands [2 Updates]
>> Burning Itunes purchases to CD? [2 Updates]
>> Voice Over acting Odd [3 Updates]
>> Clearing my question [1 Update]
>> Google Chrome tutorial was off topic [1 Update]
>> safari refuses to launch. [1 Update]
>> Avout Voice Settings on Mac [1 Update]
>> GarageBand Questions [4 Updates]
>>  how to work with facebook?
>> Paul Erkens <> Nov 30 05:19PM +0100  
>> Dear listers,
>> What is the best way for a voiceover mac or an iphone user to work with 
>> facebook? I have a small app on my phone but its accessibility is not what 
>> you would wish for, to say it carefully. I just don't get the hang of it 
>> with all those unlabeled things that say image image button button button. 
>> The normal facebook site is big. I don't find my around there easily. 
>> There's also a mobile version, but is there an alternative? For example, 
>> another facebook app, not from the facebook team, an app that is accessible 
>> to voiceover? If we have to use either the regular or the mobile facebook 
>> site, do you have any information on what to ignore?
>> Paul.
>> "Mr. L. Alexander" <> Nov 30 05:01PM  
>> the problem with facebook extends to many thousands of sites across the 
>> world who do not properly code or object label their sites. each part of a 
>> site contains graphical links, etc which in cases are not labeled or if ar 
>> then left as numbers, making life EXTREMELY difficult for us all.
>> it's not a case of an app in most cases to make a website accessible, it's a 
>> question of the developers listening to website accessibility requirements 
>> and documentation which is widely available and in many cases, developers 
>> comply with these rules and development requirements.
>> that's the sad fact of it. I've lost count of sites I've had to work with 
>> where I've had to have sighted help even to get a bloomin phone number.
>> the other ridiculous issue is CAPTCHA. don't get me started on this 
>> nightmare, then adding inaudible translations which are poorly recorded and 
>> distorted. an absolute joke.
>> sorry. it's one of those days for Free Macs For The Blind where things 
>> aren't looking too good.
>> lew
>> On 30 Nov 2011, at 16:19, Paul Erkens wrote:
>> > To post to this group, send email to
>> > To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
>> >
>> > For more options, visit this group at 
>> >
>> Mr. L. Alexander.
>> Free Macs For The Blind.
>> E-Mail:
>> Direct line: 07936 877500
>> Free Macs For The blind is a charity project supplying older but working 
>> apple macs for blind and visually impaired people throughout the UK FOR FREE!
>> Do you have an old unwanted mac, any hardware, software, old PC's, etc or a 
>> copy of outspoken 9.2 you would be willing to donate? please get in touch.
>> Mac Access Dot Net; The British Mac Accessibility Network, we're here to 
>> help anybody disabled with anything Apple!
>>  where can I tips on general usage of safari bookmarks with vo
>> Paul Erkens <> Nov 30 05:08PM +0100  
>> Iona,
>> I saved one of Esther's many useful posts on this topic. She answered Linda 
>> Adams and me. Here's the post, below.
>> Hi Paul,
>> Ricardo has given you the quick answer to using bookmarks. You can 
>> read a more detailed description about general navigation of your 
>> bookmarks in my archived post:
>> (Re: moving and deleting bookmarks)
>> I'll just briefly remark here that there is a general page for your 
>> bookmarks that you access with Command-Option-B, which is the shortcut 
>> for the "Show All Bookmarks" entry in Safari's Bookmarks menu. You'll 
>> greatly simplify your navigation of that page, and improve your 
>> understanding of its organization if you first hide your toolbar, 
>> bookmarks bar, and tab bar -- all options that toggle between show and 
>> hide with shortcuts listed in the View Menu on the menu bar (Command- 
>> Shift-Backslash, Command-Shift-B, Command-Shift-T). At that point, 
>> after you interact with the scroll area, pressing tab will move you 
>> between three areas: a table of different collections of bookmarks 
>> such as your navigation history, your Bookmarks Bar, your Bookmarks 
>> Menu, and any folders you may have created to organize your bookmarks 
>> on this page; a search text field that you can also move to directly 
>> with Command-F, and a table listing individual bookmarks in your 
>> selected bookmark collection by bookmark name and address. The 
>> general action will be to interact with the table of collections and 
>> select a bookmark collection or folder and then to tab to the table 
>> listing the individual bookmark entries and interact, then navigate to 
>> the bookmark of interest and activate it by pressing space bar. You 
>> can also reduce the list of entries to navigate through in that second 
>> table by using the search field to type in Bookmark names or parts of 
>> bookmark names, and then only matching entries will be shown in the 
>> second table. The usual navigation options of typing the first few 
>> letters in the name of a bookmark to move to it and/or using your up 
>> and down arrow keys will work here. There are also context menu 
>> options for editing bookmark name or address, copying or deleting, etc.
>> As Ricardo mentioned, the first nine bookmarks saved to the Bookmarks 
>> Bar on your Bookmarks page have the special property that they can be 
>> launched by pressing the Command key together with the number of the 
>> bookmark. (You can hide your bookmarks bar and still activate the 
>> first nine bookmarks by pressing Command and the number from 1 to 9 
>> for the bookmark you want.) However, note that whenever you save a 
>> new bookmark to the Bookmarks Bar, it becomes bookmark number 1, and 
>> displaces the previous first bookmark, which is now number 2, etc.
>> HTH. Cheers,
>> Esther
>> On Nov 28, 2011, at 9:10 PM, Ioana Gandrabur wrote:
>>  Update to my monitor question
>> matthew Dyer <> Nov 30 09:56AM -0500  
>> Hi all,
>> I managed to connect my vga addapter. My question is this. How can I tell if 
>> it is working. I don't have a monitor as of yet as I am still trying to find 
>> one, but I was under the empression that it is supposed to make the machine 
>> act as if a display is connected.Is there a way to find out if it is 
>> working? Thanks.
>> Matthew
>> Chris Blouch <> Nov 30 10:22AM -0500  
>> Without a VGA monitor or the NTSC contraption attached your Mac will 
>> endlesly scan for a non-existant monitor which will bog it down. Not 
>> sure how to tell if the Mac thinks there is a display hooked up at the 
>> moment but if you're getting a lot of voiceover busy messages that's 
>> usually a symptom.
>> CB
>> On 11/30/11 9:56 AM, matthew Dyer wrote:
>>  Looking for a monitor to connect to my mac mini
>> matthew Dyer <> Nov 30 10:06AM -0500  
>> Thanks. I only asked about t bird because yyou were using the mac version to 
>> responde to my message. as for this box device you were refering to, can you 
>> get this localy. If any how I could get this work it would be nice for now.
>> Matthew
>> On Nov 29, 2011, at 5:43 PM, Chris Blouch wrote:
>> Chris Blouch <> Nov 30 10:14AM -0500  
>> Dunno about finding the box locally. Might try the usual suspects like 
>> Radio Shack or Best Buy. Best buy has one for $64 here:
>> Radio Shack as one for $85 here:
>> Might be others around where you live.
>> CB
>> On 11/30/11 10:06 AM, matthew Dyer wrote:
>>  Little Mac Victories
>> Sarai Bucciarelli <> Nov 29 08:17PM -0600  
>> We told you so! Nice job. Keep fighting the urge to use Windows.
>> On Nov 29, 2011, at 5:46 PM, Traci wrote:
>> Teresa Cochran <> Nov 30 07:13AM -0800  
>> Isn't that fun? :)
>> Teresa
>> "We are made of star-stuff"--Carl Sagan, Cosmos
>> On Nov 29, 2011, at 6:17 PM, Sarai Bucciarelli wrote:
>>  Lastpass on the Mac
>> Teresa Cochran <> Nov 30 07:10AM -0800  
>> Quite usable.
>> Teresa
>> "The Golden Age of science fiction is twelve."--Pete Graham
>> On Nov 29, 2011, at 1:09 PM, agent086b wrote:
>>  where to start i I want to automate terminal commands
>> Ioana Gandrabur <> Nov 29 08:52PM -0500  
>> Hi all,
>> I would love to create a script or what ever that I can call up to perform a 
>> series of terminal commands. I had a look at the automator and found a 
>> record option to type in all the steps. I performed the actions but when I 
>> tried to run the action got an error. I suspect that the key sequence goes 
>> to fast since it is saying that terminal is not running when it was expected 
>> to.
>> Any ideas how to do this or where to look for prewritten scripts I can 
>> modify?
>> Is the script editor a better option than automator?
>> I have no formal scripting experience but have read and written jaws scripts 
>> using their manual but really nothing fancy.
>> Thanks for any suggestions.
>> Ioana
>> Chris Blouch <> Nov 30 10:03AM -0500  
>> You could just do the script in the shell as well and skip automater. 
>> Just put each command line by line in a text file and then modify the 
>> text file to be executable with
>> chmod a+x
>> after that you can just run that text file and it will execute all the 
>> commands inside as though you had typed them. I often use this for 
>> repetitive tasks and just name the file "g" for "Go". One tricky bit is 
>> the shell will look in certain places (directory paths) for files to run 
>> and often times this is not your present directory. So unless I add the 
>> present directory (usually denoted as a dot or period) to my path I have 
>> to specify it when doing my "g" command:
>> ./g
>> If you want I can give you the commands to add . to your path and avoid 
>> the ./ nonsense.
>> CB
>> On 11/29/11 8:52 PM, Ioana Gandrabur wrote:
>>  Burning Itunes purchases to CD?
>> Sarai Bucciarelli <> Nov 29 08:13PM -0600  
>> Hi:
>> I don't think you need to backup your iTunes purchases anymore because you 
>> can just redownload them.
>> On Nov 29, 2011, at 2:15 PM, Chris Blouch wrote:
>> Chris Blouch <> Nov 30 09:59AM -0500  
>> True, but there is still something about having it permanently on the 
>> shelf. Not that Apple is going away any time soon but it certainly has 
>> happened with other online music services. For a large library, 
>> re-downloading can also take a while. Of course everybody now days has 
>> local backups with Time Machine, right?
>> CB
>> On 11/29/11 9:13 PM, Sarai Bucciarelli wrote:
>>  Voice Over acting Odd
>> Becky Knaub <> Nov 29 08:44PM -0500  
>> Hi all,
>> VO is acting really odd on my MBP today. It has stopped talking all the 
>> sudden three different times. I had to restart it and then it was fine. 
>> Anyone got any suggestions? Also does anyone know why Safari often keeps 
>> saying busy?
>> Becky and C
>> Rachel Magario <> Nov 29 07:54PM -0600  
>> I can think of 3 things.
>> 1. check if you running low in your hard drive space.
>> If I get less than 50 Gb of hard drive my VO gets slow because I use loads 
>> of applications running at once.
>> 2. turn your activity monitor on and ask somebody to check who is taking the 
>> most of your ram when vo gets quiet.
>> 3. this must be really far off, but once I had so many attachments that when 
>> I turned my mail on my vo got really slow. I had to clean like 20 gb of 
>> attachments on my mail, but you are probably not data horder like me. But 
>> just in case.
>> HTH,
>> Rachel
>> On Nov 29, 2011, at 7:44 PM, Becky Knaub wrote:
>> Eugenia Firth <> Nov 30 08:35AM -0600  
>> Hi y'all. 
>> My computer was being a really naughty computer yesterday. I updated it late 
>> yesterday afternoon, and I sure hope Apple has now fixed it. My speech 
>> froze; I turned speech off and back on, but it wasn't always fine. Sometimes 
>> it killed the speech altogether and kept running the braille display. I know 
>> this is going to sound weird, but it seemed to me that it behaved better 
>> when I changed voices from Alex to Samantha. I decided I'd rather put up 
>> with the changes in pitch occasionally than have to restart all the time. I 
>> also noticed that sometimes quitting TextEdit worked to restore things. 
>> Regards, 
>> Gigi, who is hoping my Mbp behaves better today 
>> On Nov 29, 2011, at 7:44 PM, Becky Knaub wrote:
>>  Clearing my question
>> Francisco Salvador Crespo <> Nov 29 11:37PM 
>> -0300  
>> Hi,
>> My question is: what shortcut can i use to change voice attributes for 
>> content, status or the default voice, can you understand me now?
>> Thanks a lot,
>> Francisco
>>  Google Chrome tutorial was off topic
>> Barry Abbott <> Nov 29 10:24PM -0400  
>> Hello Hank. If you have Google Chrome installed and have added the Google 
>> Chrome speech extension from the google web store.
>> Press the Google Chrome key (control+option)+h which puts you in chrome 
>> help. One of the links there is the interactive tutorial.
>> Barry
>> On 2011-11-27, at 1:16 PM, Hank Smith wrote:
>>  safari refuses to launch.
>> "Jessica" <> Nov 29 08:47PM -0800  
>> I've just recently tried to launch safari, only to have voiceover tell me 
>> "open," like it normally does when I perform the "open," command, only it 
>> just sits there and refuses to do anything. I've tried to launch other aps, 
>> and they've opened perfectly fine, so don't understand what the problem is, 
>> and have restarted the computer, and nothing has helped.
>> Has anyone ever had this issue?
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>> income? Most likely, the answer is "yes," so if that is the case then come 
>> check out Tmi wireless!
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>>  Avout Voice Settings on Mac
>> Francisco Salvador Crespo <> Nov 29 09:57PM 
>> -0300  
>> Dear friends,
>> Today i have a question for you:
>> How to change the voice parameters that VO uses when it's reading a text? 
>> for example, my first language is spanish, i want to change de language of 
>> the speech. I press VO + command + the arrow keys and i get change it but 
>> only it changes with the buttons and the commands but not in the reading
>> How can i do that?
>> Thanks a lot and i with your answer
>>  GarageBand Questions
>> Gavin Grundlingh <> Nov 29 11:12PM +0200  
>> Hi Ricardo,
>> Thanks for the tip on extending loops. The reason I originally asked
>> the question was because the song I'm trying to create consists of
>> several different loops, one after the other. I'd like to then take
>> tha multi-looped section and repeat the whole thing a certain number
>> of times. I planned to put all the bass on 1 track, all the piano on 1
>> track, all the drums on 1 track, and so on. Perhaps what I want to do
>> would be better explained if I sent you the file. Is there a way I can
>> get it to you?
>> Regards,
>> Gavin
>> Ricardo Walker <> Nov 29 04:26PM -0500  
>> Hi,
>> What your trying to do is certainly doable. I do this in my projects all the 
>> time. Do you have dropbox? This would probably be the easiest way to get me 
>> your track.
>> Ricardo Walker
>> Twitter & Skype: rwalker296
>> On Nov 29, 2011, at 4:12 PM, Gavin Grundlingh wrote:
>> Gavin Grundlingh <> Nov 29 11:33PM +0200  
>> Hi Ricardo,
>> Yes, I have dropbox. I'll upload the project to my public folder now.
>> Where should I send the link to?
>> Regards,
>> Gavin
>> Ricardo Walker <> Nov 29 04:42PM -0500  
>> Just send it to the e-mail address at the end of this message.
>> Thanks.
>> Ricardo Walker
>> Twitter & Skype: rwalker296
>> On Nov 29, 2011, at 4:33 PM, Gavin Grundlingh wrote:
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Group 
>> macvisionaries.
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>> To unsubscribe from this group, send an empty message.
>> For more options, visit this group.
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