cheers for that.

I think then, just in case for windows based repairs to systems, I may as well 
carry both a windows notebook and my mac. OK it's a bit more weight to carry 
but hey.


On 29 Nov 2011, at 19:27, Esther wrote:

> Hi Lew,
> Someone who uses Windows in Fusion should answer this for you, but I think 
> your question is not being posed precisely.  Fusion itself will let you 
> redefine keyboard shortcuts to be used in different virtual machines,which 
> need not just be Windows, if you use it to run Linux or different versions of 
> an operating system.  But the two programs I listed give you more 
> flexibility.  
> When you type keyboard shortcuts on the Mac, there's a possible issue about 
> precedence with shortcuts defined on the Mac.  For example,  Command-Tab 
> cycles between active applications on the Mac, so if you implemented that 
> instead of Alt-Tab under Windows, the net result could be to dump you out of 
> virtual machine into another Mac app.  Similarly, there can be conflicts with 
> predefined keys like F10, etc. which by default are defined as the Exposé 
> keys on the Mac, unless you turn these definitions off under settings, which 
> I always do, since there are accessibility issues if you press these by 
> mistake that can be very confusing to a user.
> So KeyRemap4MacBook will let you redefine keys used for VMWare Fusion, but it 
> still requires some thought before you randomly apply these.  Also, my 
> understanding is that you should not try to remap the Insert key for JAWS to 
> the CapsLock key.  One of the reasons is that some time ago Apple inserted a 
> delay for the application of the Caps Lock key on Intel Macs to reduce 
> accidental activation. (This may be an issue for some individuals with motion 
> disabilities.)  You can read more about it under this Knowledge Base article:
> • Intel-based Apple Portables: Caps Lock modified to reduce accidental 
> activation:
> This is also in effect for other Apple Keyboards used with desktop Macs:
> • Keyboard Caps Lock modified to reduce accidental activation:
> HTH.  I don't use Windows or JAWS under VMWare Fusion, so maybe someone who 
> does can provide better answers.
> Cheers,
> Esther
> On Nov 29, 2011, at 08:39, Mr. L. Alexander wrote:
>> with the use of keymapping for fusion... does this effectively mean that the 
>> shortcuts I use on the mac can be echoed to windows instead of working out 
>> windows shortcuts?
>> if so... I'm in lol
>> lew
>> On 29 Nov 2011, at 18:37, Esther wrote:
>>> Hi Kevin,
>>> There are two programs that I know are used for remapping your keyboard for 
>>> VMWare running Windows.  The one you'll most frequently hear recommended is 
>>> SharpKeys by RandyRants:
>>> This program is basically a Windows registry hack that lets you remap keys 
>>> from two lists.  The other program is called KeyRemap4MacBook:
>>> Erik Burggraaf posted about this over a year ago, but under a confusing 
>>> subject line about the Mac number pad.  This program will let you remap 
>>> keys both for use on the Mac, as well as define key remappings on a per 
>>> application basis, such as for VMWare Fusion.  You can read about it in 
>>> this TUAW article from two years ago:
>>> <>
>>> Both of these are either freeware, or with a suggestion that you donate if 
>>> you find the program useful. You can probably get more detailed information 
>>> from other list members, since I don't use VMWare Fusion to run Windows 
>>> myself.
>>> HTH. Cheers,
>>> Esther
>>> On Nov 29, 2011, at 08:11, Kevin Mattingly wrote:
>>>> I know we seem to re-ask this question over and over again. So I apologize 
>>>> to the group to start. What is the program or technique that most people 
>>>> use for remapping the keyboard for VMWare running Windows?
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Kev
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