i haven't so far. turns out the pro version of iwatermark is the one you need for a mac. don't have money on my card right now to pay the $1. will let you know. thanks again, max
On Oct 20, 2011, at 6:39 PM, Charlie Doremus wrote:

How did you make out watermarking photos?

You can purchase our book
"You Might Be A Moron" at our website www.giantdolphin.com at the "off the bookshelf" link as a PDF for $7.99

Aloha, Charlie

On 19/10/2011, at 9:36 PM, "Maxwell Ivey Jr." <maxwelli...@aol.com> wrote:

sure; if you think he might have some other ideas. what kind of photographer is he and what part of the country is he in? been toying with an idea for a show case video to try to sell some slow moving equipment. might be nice to have a name if and when i need it. take care, max
On Oct 20, 2011, at 1:52 AM, Charlie Doremus wrote:

Can I forward this email to my photographic friend and see what has to say?

You can purchase our book
"You Might Be A Moron" at our website www.giantdolphin.com at the "off the bookshelf" link as a PDF for $7.99

Aloha, Charlie

On 19/10/2011, at 8:11 PM, "Maxwell Ivey Jr." <maxwelli...@aol.com> wrote:

thanks for the help. will have to check if there is a mac version. no ipod, ipad, or iphone here. the problem is my site is commission based. the only way to make sure i get paid is to conceil the names and contact details of the owners. and if people are going to steal my pics and then post them on forums asking other people in the industry who owns the ride; then I'm in trouble. I don't think the watermark is a whole solution but a beginning. I also have to add a disclaimer to the site. take care, max
On Oct 20, 2011, at 12:46 AM, Charlie Doremus wrote:

I posed your question to a friend who is an Apple employee as well as a professional photographer who recommended iwatermark which I found in the app store using an iPad. It comes in iPad and iPhone versions. There is a free version and a 99¢ version. I cannot tell you the difference, that you will have to discover on your own. I do feel your pain, I would hate to have stuff stolen from from my website.



Our new book "YOU MIGHT BE A MORON" is on sale at www.giantdolphin.com click the off the bookshelf link

On 19/10/2011, at 12:21 PM, "Maxwell Ivey Jr." <maxwelli...@aol.com > wrote:

i haven't been. can it be done in iphoto? if so, how? thanks, max
On Oct 19, 2011, at 2:40 PM, Charlie Doremus wrote:

Are you using iPhoto?



Our new book "YOU MIGHT BE A MORON" is on sale at www.giantdolphin.com click the off the bookshelf link

On 19/10/2011, at 8:07 AM, "Maxwell Ivey Jr." <maxwelli...@aol.com > wrote:

hello list; I just found out this morning that someone is stealing the photos off of my website and posting them on a forum site. I was advised to start watermarking them as a first step, but I can't find anything for that in preview. any suggestions? thanks in advance, max
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