Hi all!
Someone posted this and I thought some people also might like this info!

Chegh chew jaj Vam jaj Kak
For those who are interested in knowing what the unlabelled and labeled items 
are on theicloud.com login screen, here's a list from top to bottom as 
identified on my MBA running 10.7.2 with safari 5.1.1. YMMV depending on your 
language, country, browser version, os version, hair colour, favourite animal, 
or what you had for breakfast.

1. VO announces "Button." This is a mail icon. Clicking this icon causes 
nothing to happen. Double, triple, or octuple clicking this icon also causes 
nothing to happen.
2. VO announces "Button." This is a contacts icon. Same result as above.
3. VO announces "Button." This is a calendar icon. Same result as above.
> 4. VO announces "Button." This is a photo stream icon. Same result as above.

5. VO announces "Button." This is a find my i-device icon. Same result as above.
6. VO announces "Button." This is a documents or iwork icon. Same result as 
7. VO announces "Sign Out Button." This is a VO accessible link designed to log 
you out of theiCloud.com web interface.
8. VO announces "Help Button." This is a VO accessible button that opens a new 
browser window to some ICloud help documentation.
9. VO announces "Apple ID." This is a VO accessible field where you type your 
icloud login name. 
10. VO announces "Secure Edit Text." This is a VO accessible field where you 
type your icloud password.
11. VO announces "Keep Me Signed In, Unchecked." This is a VO accessible 
checkbox that I assume prevents your icloud session from timing out 
12. VO announces "Sign In Button. This is a VO accessible button that executes 
the login process after you've filled in the proper login credentials. Performs 
the same function as pressing Return.
13. VO announces "Terms of Use, Link." Self-explanatory.
14. VO announces "Privacy Policy, Link." Self-explanatory.
15. VO announces "Forgot ID or Password? Link." This is a VO accessible link 
that opens a new browser window to an Apple site where you can recover your 
apple ID and / or password.
16. VO announces "Help, Link." This opens the same help page listed in item 8 
17. VO announces "Apple, Button." This opens a new browser window to 
18. VO announces "Copyright information. Self-explanatory.

HTH, Bryan

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