The MacBook Air has two USB ports so you can use a USB Braille display with it. 
You can also get a USB external DVD drive designed especially for the MBA.

It's also true that MS Office does not work with VoiceOver. However, Word, 
Excel and PowerPoint documents can be opened with iWork09.



On 14 Oct 2011, at 14:07, Eugenia Firth wrote:

> Hello Louis. 
> I just recently went through a switch from Windows. I chose the MacBook Pro 
> because I needed USB ports. My braille display is not Bluetooth. If you're 
> using a braille display, that may be a factor. I looked the MacBookAir, but 
> that's why I didn't get it. I really wanted one because of the flash drive. 
> However, I couldn't spend about 3 grand on a Bluetooth braille display. The 
> other reason I thought about the Air is because they say it has combined the 
> Mac with some of the features of the iPhone. So, I'll have to wait on that 
> until I can replace my braille display some fine day. 
> I didn't get the Mac version of Office for the reason you mentioned and I was 
> told this was a true statement. I hate those ribbon things anyway that was 
> put on there. 
> I'll leave some of your other questions to people who are more experienced 
> than me. 
> Regards,
> Gigi

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