Dunno if I would uninstall it. On pages that auto-play Flash because the page is a destination for some piece of content it might not matter that Flash is in-accessible. If you un-install Flash you will not be able to access such pages.


On 10/2/11 5:55 AM, David Eagle wrote:
Thanks for the explanation. I will have to uninstall Adobe Flash from
my Mac, since it isn't achieving anything. HTML5 works brilliantly on
the Mac. If only more people were using it.

On 01/10/2011, Esther<mori...@mac.com>  wrote:
Hello David,

Access to button controls of flash-based content in browsers is not
accessible with VoiceOver, but you can play content that is flash based
(such as YouTube videos).  Note that support for playing Flash content no
longer comes as a default with Mac OS X distributions; you have to
separately download this.  The original ClickToFlash implementation was a
Safari Browser plug-in that prevented Flash content from automatically
loading.  This included annoying advertisements that would take up memory
resources. You could still load flash content if you added the current web
page to your white list (by pressing the Option key and Clicking with a
mouse or trackpad at the same time), or by navigating to the menu and adding
a site. Alternatively, you could enable Flash content to load and display on
the current page without adding to the white list by pressing
Command-Control-F.  The point of this was that you only loaded flash content
when you wanted it, and performance was much snappier since you weren't
using up resources for Flash content you didn't want -- like ads.

This later morphed into a Safari Extension option, and then to plug-ins of
various levels of refinement. With the advent of HTML5, which is how YouTube
movies play on iOS devices -- not using Flash -- the ClickToFlash plug-ins
enabled substitution of accessible, HTML5 versions of Flash content on web
pages that offer this option.  (The plug-in can do some other things, too,
but this is what Ray wants in order to gain control of the Sample playing
controls on the Audible site.)

Basically, the current information for both the ClickToPlugin and the
ClickToFlash Safari extensions may be found here:

More detailed information about setup depends on your operating system.
Here's a link to one of Justin's older posts about setting up the plugin:
• Re: Flash to HTML5; Can it be done?

HTH.  Cheers,


On Oct 1, 2011, at 10:49, David Eagle wrote:

I thought FLASH was completely inaccessible with Voice Over?

On 01/10/2011, Justin Ekis<je...@fastmail.us>  wrote:
Hi ray,

I prefer ClickToPlugin, since it does everything that ClickToFlash does
more. If it's audible you are concerned about, you will have exactly the
same experience with either one, since audible uses flash. The benefit of
ClickToPlugin is that it also helps with sites that have embedded
silverlight or windows media content. The setup and usage are the same
both, and I think I've previously posted tips for getting the best

Hope this helps.


On Oct 1, 2011, at 7:50 AM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:

Okay.  I really want to know this.  For those of y'all who have tried
click to flash and click to plug under Lion, which do y'all prefer and
Very particularly when it comes to Audible.com samles and eas of set up


The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!

Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!

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