As with all shell commands doing

man say

will give you a lot more info. Also look up the previous threads on this mailing list where we piped voiceover specific parameters into the text stream to do even more tweaks.


On 10/4/11 12:53 PM, Alex Hall wrote:
Thanks, I think Python can do that. Will that use all the user's
default settings? Is there an interrupt parameter or other switches?

On 10/4/11, Chris Blouch<>  wrote:
If you can call regular shell commands they you can use the "say" command:

say some string of text

will speak "some string of text" using the default voiceover voice.


On 10/3/11 7:31 AM, Alex Hall wrote:
Hi all,
I use Python for programming, and I would like to make a program I
wrote work on the mac. The only reason it does not currently work is a
package used on Windows to speak text through the available screen
reader. Basically, I want to check if the program is running on a mac
and, if it is, speak using vo. However, I can't find how to do this.
In a python or apple script, what do I do to get vo to speak a string
of text? Python can access apple script and other system libraries, so
there must be a way, but how? Is this burried in an objectiveC library
somewhere? Any help would be great. Thanks.

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