Hi Mark Baxter,
This is going to work somewhere in the near future. Thanks a lot for giving it 
to the group. Very interesting, also as studying material.
On Sep 26, 2011, at 6:32 PM, Mark BurningHawk Baxter wrote:

> Okay.  I'll paste it in below.  Below that, I'll give instructions for 
> extracting the pasted text and making it a file. in case this grou *WILL* 
> allow attachments, I ahve also attached it; if you don't know how to get the 
> attachment to where you want it, contact me and I'll explain that too.
> Okay.  There is a line of stars (*) and then the text of the program, and 
> then another lines of Stars (*), and then buletted (YAY) instructions after 
> that.  So, off we go then:
> ************
> #!/bin/bash
> # Commented version, merged between yours and my second version,
> # and cleaned up a little.
> # All comments begin with a #
> # If the number of arguments given to timer is not equal to 3
> # then do the next few statements until the else
> if [ $# -ne 3 ]
> then
>  # say some stuff about using the defaults
>  echo "Usage: timer [interval in seconds] [end time in minutes] [number of 
> loops]"
>  echo "Using default interval 300 seconds(five minutes), total time 30 
> minutes, 2 loops"
>  # set the defaults
>  # this is where you were getting the 20 minutes on the other script,
>  # because its check was less than 2 arguments
>  # in seconds
>  waitTime=180
>  # in minutes
>  endTime=15
>  # just a count
>  loops=4
> # otherwise
> else
>  # use the argments the user gave
>  # $1 is the first argument, $2 the second, and $3 the third
>  waitTime=$1
>  endTime=$2
>  loops=$3
> # finish the if statement
> fi
> # Do not modify below this line unless
> # you know what you are doing.
> # Set up 4 default variables to keep track of the seconds and loops
> # will be used to count seconds within each cycle/iteration loop that have 
> been done
> totalSeconds=0
> # The next line of code does lots of stuff, detailed in the paragraph below
> # which all together basically say "multiply the variable by 60",
> # which calculates the end time in seconds from the minutes the user gave
> # because my loops work in seconds.
> # Broken down and explained in parts:
> # The backticks enclose another command, the results of which are stored in
> # The variable endTimeInSeconds.
> # The echo sends text back to the screen.
> # $endTime gets replaced by the number of minutes the script is using 
> # (default 20 or user provided).
> # *60+1 are sent to the screen as they are.
> # | is the pipe which takes the screen's text that was supposed to get
> # displayed and redirects it to the following command.
> # bc - An arbitrary precision calculator language.
> # in the terminal, at the prompt, type man bc
> # which will display the manual for bc.
> # You can do this for most all commands.
> endTimeInSeconds=`echo $endTime*60 | bc`
> # Will be used to count interval seconds within each loop that has been done.
> # resets to 1 each iteration/cycle loop
> totalSecondsInIteration=0
> # Used to keep track of how many times the user has been notified within the 
> cycle.
> # (using base 1 instead of base 0 so when the script speaks the count, it 
> starts at 1)
> # (most counting in programming starts at 0)
> totalIterationCount=1
> # Will be used to count loops that have been done
> totalLoops=0
> # While the number of loops that have been done (totalLoops) is not equal to 
> # the number of loops the script is using, do the commands that are between
> # the do and done lines.
> # The ! means NOT.
> #first sleep 30 seconds to give time to get set up, then plays a sound.
> echo "Counting down to start."
> sleep 30
> afplay ~/sounds/electronicping.wav
> while [ ! "$totalLoops" = "$loops" ]
> do
>  # While the total seconds that have been done is not equal to the number
>  # of seconds desired per cycle/iteration, do the commands that are between
>  # the do and done lines.
>  while [ ! "$totalSeconds" = "$endTimeInSeconds" ]
>  do
>    # This is just a debugging line to see if I have all the counts right, 
> which prints
>    # to the screen.
>    # Add a # to comment it out so it doesn't display.
>    # Or remove the # at the beginning of the line to make it display.
>    #echo "totalSecondsInIteration:$totalSecondsInIteration waitTime:$waitTime 
> totalSeconds=$totalSeconds endTimeInSeconds=$endTimeInSeconds"
>    # If the number of seconds that have been done equals the number of seconds
>    # we want to be done, run the commands between the then and fi.
>    if [ "$totalSecondsInIteration" = "$waitTime" ]
>    then
>      # Notify the user.
>      # Speak the count of seconds that have been done.
>      # The & sends the command into the background so the script
>      # can continue, which makes the script more accurate on its seconds.
>      # You'll get some whacky results if the time it takes to complete
>      # the command is longer than the time it takes to do your desired loop.
>      #say "$totalIterationCount" &
>      # Calculate the percentage complete.
>      percentDone=`echo "$totalSeconds*100/$endTimeInSeconds" | bc`
>      # Speak the percentage complete.
>      say $percentDone" percent" &
>      # Play a sound.
>      afplay ~/sounds/electronicping.wav &
>      # Reset the number of seconds that have been done this iteration.
>      totalSecondsInIteration=0
>      # Increment the count of notifications to the user.
>      totalIterationCount=`echo $totalIterationCount+1 | bc`
>    fi
>    # Increment the seconds that have been done this iteration.
>    totalSecondsInIteration=`echo $totalSecondsInIteration+1 | bc`
>    # Increment the total seconds that have been done.
>    totalSeconds=`echo $totalSeconds+1 | bc`
>    # Make the script wait 1 second before continuing.
>    sleep 1
>  done
>  # reset all the cycle variables
>  totalSeconds=0
>  totalSecondsInIteration=0
>  totalIterationCount=1
>  # increment the number of loops that have been done
>  totalLoops=`echo $totalLoops+1 | bc`
>  # notify the user that a complete cycle has occurred.
>  afplay ~/sounds/foghorn2.wav &
>  say "End Loop $totalLoops" &
> done
> # Delay long enough to play the last loop's notification.
> sleep 2
> # notify the user that the script has ended
> say "All done"
> ***************
> Here are instructions for extracting that and saving it as a file which will 
> work from Finder ot Terminal:
> •1) Select/highlight all the text between the stars, but not including the 
> stars, and copy it to the pasteboard. (If you need further help with this, 
> tell me off list).
> •2) Open TextEdit and paste the contents of the pasteboard into a new file.  
> Save this new file to whatever directory in your home directory you will be 
> most comfortable finding it in.  For this post, I will assume you saved it as 
> "timer."  There is no extension necessary.
> •3) Carefully determine the exact path to the newly saved Timer file.  On my 
> machine, this past looks like
> ~/timer
> Because I save it on the root of my home directory (NOT the root directory 
> for the machine!).  Once you know the exact path to the file, proceed:
> •4) Open Terminal.  If you need more help with this, contact me off list.  
> Once a Terminal window opens, type the following:
> Chmod 755 (the exact path to the Timer file.)  On my machine, this would look 
> like:
> Chmod 755 ~/timer
> •5) This timer will not only count down, but it plays a sound at certain 
> intervals within the main count-down sequence.  It was designed to count 
> intervals while working out, but can also be used to time stuff in the oven, 
> your toenails growing, whatever.  Thus, you need to tell it how many second 
> each interval will be, how long the entire count-down runs for, and how many 
> count-downs you want.  For experienced programmers, those values can be set 
> from within TextEdit (contact me for more details on this).
> •6) As I sent Timer, it is set up to beep every 3 minutes until 15 minutes 
> have been counted, then play another sound.  It occurs to me that you don't 
> have the wave files that play these sounds, so you will have to substitute 
> them in the  "Afplay" statement 
> within the script, or the thing will crash.
> •7) The easiest way to start the timer is to open a Terminal window and type 
> "./(pathname)."  Thus, I would type
> "./timer"  If you wish to change the defaults, you may enter the new values 
> for interval time, count-down time and number of count-downs by entering the 
> number of intervals (seconds), total time to count down (minutes) and number 
> of times to do the total count-down (also minutes).  Thus, if I wanted to 
> change my timer to count down for one hour, giving me four intervals of 15 
> minutes, for a total of four hours, I would type, from within the Terminal 
> window:
> .timer 900 60 4
> 900 seconds in 15 minutes, 60 minutes in an hour, 4 hours total timing.
> •8) Remember that if you do not set different values, Timer wil use the 
> defaults, which might give you a different timing result than you want.
> •9) you may also find the file through Finder and simply press Command O to 
> open it, however this method will not give you the option to reset the 
> defaults.
> •10) If you wish to modify this Timer, for example you will need to do so to 
> put in your own sounds (contact me off list and I will send the wave files 
> *I* use, but you are encouraged to use your own), highlight the file in 
> Finder and then, from the File menu, choose "open with," and then "other," 
> and "textEdit.app" from the menu that pops up.  After you are done modifying 
> it in TextEdit, make sure that, when you save it, make sure that there is no 
> ".rtf," extension tacked on by TextEdit, as it wants to do that unless you 
> tell it not to.  Again, write me off list if you need help with that.
> •11) Enjoy your new, very flexible timer!  Again, thanks to Theresa Ford for 
> writing the thing, she deserves full credit.
> • Mark BurningHawk Baxter
> • AIM, Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
> • MSN:  burninghawk1...@hotmail.com
> • My home page:
> • http://MarkBurningHawk.net/
> <timer>-- 
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