
Did you try niels instructions for booting from the cd and reinstalling sl?
I was going to suggest the same thing but he beet me to it.

On 16/09/2011, Donna Goodin <goodi...@msu.edu> wrote:
> Hi Doug,
> Well, I finally got it out--explain more later.  But I'm definitely saving
> this message. :)
> thanks!
> Donna
> On Sep 16, 2011, at 8:41 AM, Doug Lawlor wrote:
>> Hi Donna,
>> Try the following:
>> 1. make sure the machine is powered off.
>> 2. Hold down the eject button, that is the key to the right of the F12 key
>> and press the power button while keeping the eject button held down. You
>> should hear the cd start to spin and then the mac chime. After the chime
>> the cd should eject. Just keep the eject button held until the cd pops
>> out.
>> Doug
>> On 2011-09-16, at 9:33 AM, Donna Goodin wrote:
>>> thanks for the suggestion Keith.  right Now, though, I don't have an OS,
>>> so can't go into the utilities area to open Terminal.
>>> Best,
>>> Donna
>>> On Sep 16, 2011, at 8:00 AM, Keith Watson wrote:
>>>> Donna,
>>>> I am not sure exactly what is wrong or why you cannot get out your
>>>> dvd. If you can boot the system I would open terminal from the
>>>> utilities area and run the following
>>>> sudo eject /dev/cdrom
>>>> and see if that doesn't help.
>>>> Keith Watson
>>>> 813-760-1381
>>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>>> On Sep 16, 2011, at 7:55 AM, Donna Goodin <goodi...@msu.edu> wrote:
>>>>> Because I can neither install from my SL disk, nor get the Mac to
>>>>> reinstall Lion.  I don't know what else to do, and I'm unable to eject
>>>>> the SL disk at all.
>>>>> On Sep 16, 2011, at 7:52 AM, Daniel Miller wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Donna,
>>>>>> Unfortunately, there's no way to physically eject the disc without
>>>>>> having
>>>>>> the machine turned on, since the only way you can do it is with the
>>>>>> eject
>>>>>> button. Also, why would you need Apple to reinstall the OS?
>>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>>> From: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
>>>>>> [mailto:macvisionaries@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Donna Goodin
>>>>>> Sent: Friday, September 16, 2011 6:39 AM
>>>>>> To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
>>>>>> Subject: Is there a manual eject button anywhere on the MBP?
>>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>>> OK, since I seem to be out of options here, I don't know what to do
>>>>>> except
>>>>>> take the MBP into the Apple Store and have them reinstall the OS.  But
>>>>>> I
>>>>>> don't want to travel with a DVD in the drive.  Is there a manual eject
>>>>>> button anywhere on this thing?
>>>>>> thanks,
>>>>>> Donna
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