Safari is the primary browser for OSX but some people have found that the nightly build of Webkit (the engine of Safari)vhas less issues. Of course nightly build means each day some stuff is fixed but other stuff might be broken. You might also try Chrome which is supposed to be accessible with voiceover as well as Opera. I wrote a while ago about the problem with competing accessibility API standards which is why Firefox and Flash will not be accessible on Mac (they chose one standard and Apple chose to make their own). Same thing with Thunderbird email client.


On 9/10/11 9:06 PM, Christine Grassman wrote:
Great. I was thinking of trying Firefox, because I'm bloody sick of hearing "Safari 
busy" -- particularly when I'm on my bank's web site paying my bills. What are 
others using besides SAfari?
On Sep 10, 2011, at 8:56 PM, Jon Cohn wrote:

Well, I have managed to avoid these things, but if it helps keyboard commander 
is set up by default in Snow Leopard to have left-option-X send the image in 
the VOICE-OVER cursor via mail.

Best wishes,

On Sep 10, 2011, at 3:55 PM, Anouk Radix wrote:

Hi everyone, On the pc I could solve visual only captchas with either solona 
and ie (but often there was no operator online) or webvisum and firefox. Is 
there a way to solve visual captchas as a blind person on the mac? As far as I 
know firefox is still not accessible on the mac.
Thanks in advance
Greetings, Anouk,

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