Hi Annie,

In what respect are you not satisfied with fine reader express? You scan many 
books, so where is express reader lacking functionality that you have in 
windows fine reader pro?
On Sep 7, 2011, at 12:34 PM, Annie Skov Nielsen wrote:

> Hi Paul.
> In my opinion abbyy fine reader express can be used. But I have for many 
> years been using fine reader professional in windows. Compared to that 
> product the express edition is a little frustrating. But of course you can 
> use the program, with ok results. It depends on what your are scanning. I am 
> scanning really many books. I am not satisfied with the results i get with 
> fine reader express.
> But of course the fine reader express is a good price.
> I hope in the future that we will really get a scanning program, that really 
> works great.
> Best regards Annie.
> Den Sep 6, 2011 kl. 11:43 AM skrev Paul Erkens:
>> Hi Annie,
>> Are you saying that fine reader express is not a sufficient scanning and OCR 
>> solution? Interested to hear your thoughts on that, as I'm about to buy it. 
>> Any info or experience appreciated.
>> Paul.
>> On Sep 6, 2011, at 11:31 AM, Annie Skov Nielsen wrote:
>>> Hi.
>>> I have tried contacting the developer of docuscan, because it would be 
>>> great if they could add support for other languages, but they do not answer 
>>> that question at all. My brother has also asked them. In my opinion 
>>> docuscan is great but rather slow.
>>> vuescan can do some OCR recognition now, and fine reader express, but I 
>>> will be the first to admit, that we really need a better scanning solution, 
>>> hopefully that will be possible in the future. I have the impression that 
>>> the developer of vuescan is working hard on that part.
>>> Best regards Annie.
>>> Den Sep 6, 2011 kl. 8:42 AM skrev Anne Robertson:
>>>> Once again, I must point out that DocuScan only handles English. If you 
>>>> use any other language, this solution is not for you. Please remember that 
>>>> this list is international!
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> Anne
>>>> On 6 Sep 2011, at 06:21, David Tanner wrote:
>>>>> Your best and most accessible scanning choice for the price is DocuScan 
>>>>> Plus.  You can download a trial version from the App Store and register 
>>>>> it for a 7 day trial period.  The price is $299 and gives you both the 
>>>>> Apple version and the QWindows version too, if you need it.  It works 
>>>>> well with VoiceOver, is simple to use, has lots of power features for all 
>>>>> kinds of scanning, recognizing PDF files, and converting scanned text to 
>>>>> RTF, TXT, create MP3 file of the text, saving as a formated Braille file, 
>>>>> and turn scaned text into a Daisy book.
>>>>> It can be used with a variety of scanners or you can purchase the 
>>>>> HoverCam digital camera that can be purchased along with the software 
>>>>> from Sero Tech.
>>>>> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Mark Colman" 
>>>>> <mark.a.col...@googlemail.com>
>>>>> To: <macvisionaries@googlegroups.com>
>>>>> Sent: Monday, September 05, 2011 6:07 AM
>>>>> Subject: Scanners and OCR
>>>>> Hello all,
>>>>> Would like to get some advice on using scanners with a Mac (running Lion 
>>>>> if this is relevant). I occasionally need to scan printed documents to 
>>>>> send by email or for archival purposes. Does Mac OS have its own utility 
>>>>> or app for working with a scanner or are we reliant upon manufacturer's 
>>>>> own drivers/software (which, from past experience on Windows, is very hit 
>>>>> and miss as far as accessibility is concerned).
>>>>> Also, what experience do people have of scanning a document and using OCR 
>>>>> to get VoiceOver (or whatever) to read out the contents of the document?
>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>> Mark
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