Bedankt, thanks for that tip. I thought it might work this way but for some reason did not udnerstand the two way process of sharing folders.
Greetings, Anouk,
Op 30-8-2011 21:44, Paul Erkens schreef:
Hi Anouk,
What you can do to access a drive formatted as extended journaled encrypted, is 
to make a hole in vmware, by simply sharing the root of the drive on the mac 
side. Go to fusion and then into settings, sharing. There, you can designate a 
folder or any drive for that matter, to become available inside windows. fusion 
will do the data passing between mac and windows ntfs.
On Aug 28, 2011, at 5:22 AM, anouk radix wrote:

Hi, Yeah I know windows cant doit natively but I thought there might be 
possible something through vmware and virtual windows because vmware has 
drivers for a lot of stuff and is itself a mac application, or throug sharing 
folders but now I seem to remember that that only works from vmware windows to 
the mac side (it has been quite a while though since I played with this).
Greetings, Anouk,
Op 28-8-2011 4:46, erik burggraaf schreef:
No, as far as I know, windows won't read any extended file systems, although I 
seem to remember playing with some sketchy driver packages that would let you 
read an ext1 or ext2 linux formatted drive on windows XP.  You might try 
googling but I don't remember having any luck when I was playing with it.

It's unfortunate there isn't at least basic support for file systems other than 
ntfs built right into windows.


Erik Burggraaf
This month in Ebony Promos: Two new gps systems for demo. Mac OS Lion When will 
it be supported?  Ebony Consulting at accessibility Unconference Toronto. To 
read more and subscribe, Visit:
Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
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On 2011-08-27, at 10:41 PM, anouk radix wrote:

Hi Erik, eventually I want to convert the disk to extended journal encrypted 
but i guess I would have to format it for that and loose al the data so that 
will have to wait.
Do you have any idea if it is possible topatch such a drive into vmware fusion 
so that I can then read it in windows
Op 28-8-2011 4:25, erik burggraaf schreef:
Mac OS can read NTFS, but it can't write to them.  If you want full access to 
the drive it needs to be FAT32, although, I've got a 2TB external formatted 
FAT32 here so I can share it between mac and windows, and I'm not very happy 
with the performance.


Erik Burggraaf
This month in Ebony Promos: Two new gps systems for demo. Mac OS Lion When will 
it be supported?  Ebony Consulting at accessibility Unconference Toronto. To 
read more and subscribe, Visit:
Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
or on the web at

On 2011-08-27, at 10:21 PM, anouk radix wrote:

Hi everyone,
I have a 1.5tb external drive that has been formatted into ntfs and is 1/4 full 
with ebooks audiobooks radiodramatv series music etc etc. However when my mac 
arrives I am planning to go over to that entirely and only use windows for 
training courses. But, can lion read ntfs drives, otherwise I have a problem.
Thanks in advance,
Greetings, Anouk,

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