Note that your mail came through as being from April 30 2012 so maybe it thinks the cert for gmail has expired when it hasn't. Might want to check your clock setting. Even if your mac shuts down with the power run out the clock shouldn't reset. There is a separate battery for this and it sounds like yours isn't working. I just let mine run out of battery last night and it powered back up with everything intact. How old is your laptop? I think the batteries usually last about 5 years, roughly the lifetime of the machine.


On 4/30/12 1:47 AM, Shawn Krasniuk wrote:
Hi. I fell asleep with my Mac turned on without the charger and I guess the 
battery died completely. I had to set the time and date and all that fun stuff. 
But now when I use mail, it's saying that my certificate for has 
expired and that it could be a fake posing as How do I tell it 
that this certificate is the real thing?


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