Thanks a lot for the information. Its cool that adobe is accessible on
the mac, it does not seem to work on the pc (with encrypted ebooks).
Ibooks on the mac would be fantastic, i prefer reading my ebooks in
braille and dont like this together with the iphone.
Greetings, Anouk,
Op 23-8-2011 18:52, Max schreef:
This is discussed in more detail in an earlier thread, but basically
it's like this. The Kindle and Kobo Mac apps are not accessible. The
only passable way to read e-books is with Adobe Digital Editions. You
can buy Adobe incripted ePubs or pdfs from e-book shops like Kobo
and then read them with the Digital Editions app. This app is usable,
but you have to work around some bugs.
I've also heard that iTunes will at some point get something like
ibooks built into it. That is not confirmed though.
Hope this helps
On Aug 22, 1:49 pm, anouk radix<> wrote:
Hi everyone,
My new macbook air will arrive soon and I was wondering if it is
possible yet to read ebooks on the mac, by ebooks I mean commercial
encrypted ones with voiceover or built-in text to speech?
I know its possible on the iphone but I prefer doing it ona normal
macbook with my braille display if possible.
Thanks in advance for any information,
Greetings, Anouk,
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