Please let know these issues. It will be best
if you could reproduce these issues and it doesn't require a login or
financial info. The sure way to ensure it gets fixed is to be very
clear, provide example, and steps to reproduce.


On 8/16/11, Andrew Lamanche <> wrote:
> Dear Listers,
> I have recently installed Lion and it is a clean install on a external
> drive. I'v just been trying to access my bank websites and it is
> completely unusable with Safari under Lion. While I can use my tab key
> to move through the links, I don't seem to have any use of the vo keys
> with arrow keys. I seem to be able to find the html section of the
> page but I can't interact with it. I can jump to a table in which my
> accounts are listed with vo+command+t command but I can't vo+arrow
> through the table. It's a mess. Am I doing something wrong? Item
> chooser menu is also strange: it no longer allows me to type a few
> letters to jump to a particular elelemtn on the page which I know
> exists. Also, as I'm typing this message in my browser, I get no
> Voiceover feedback as to what I'm typing. So do forgive the typos.
> Look forward to any responses, suggestions. Should I be writing to
> Accessibility By the way, I've just installed the 10.7.1 update of mac
> os Lion.
> Many thanks,
> Andrew
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