Your contact list for MSN, AIM or what you have should already be visible in 
the window. To go to the Facebook and twitter features, go to the "window" menu 
and arrow down until you hear "your username on twitter" or "your user name on 
Facebook". "Your user name" will be the name you use on the respective 
services. Now, hit vo+spacebar and a new window called "your username on 
service" (where service is either Facebook or Twitter) will be brought up. I 
haven't as of yet found out what way is the best for reading these windows, 
groups or dom and as i say, you appear to be able to comment on others posts 
but not be able to write your own. You can write a post alright, but there's no 
button that VO can see to send the post off to the service. I have filed a bug 
about that and given it a high priority. Let's hope they do something about it, 
since this is the cleanest interface to Facebook i've seen for the Mac yet.

8 aug 2011 kl. 02:25 skrev Missy Hoppe:

> Hi! I've just installed trillian, and it was much easier to set up than 
> adium. The problem is, I've got my accounts set up,
> but now, I can't figure out how to do anything with them. There are a bunch 
> of unlabled buttons, and I can't figure out how
> to do anything, especially regarding the facebook features you described. If 
> you could please explain how to get started, I
> would really appreciate it. Like I said, I've got it logged in to all my 
> accounts; that part was relatively easy, but I can't
> figure out anything else.
> Thanks for your time, and I hope that you're having a great day!
> Missy
> -----Original Message-----
> From: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com 
> [mailto:macvisionaries@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Krister Ekstrom
> Sent: Saturday, August 06, 2011 8:04 AM
> To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
> Subject: Trillian - a new kid on the IM block
> Hi folks.
>> I am testing out an app that could or couldn't be an alternative to Adium. 
>> The name of the program is Trillian and it's
> available from the Mac App store. It's free, but apparently there is a pro 
> version ov it as well, though i haven't tested
> that one.
> This app has a whole lot of goodies, like facebook, twitter, and the most 
> common Instant messaging services like Aim, Icq and
> MSN and more.
> The facebook plugin actually lets you not only chat, but also lets you read 
> and write posts, like and comment on others posts
> and see friends and so on. In the Twitter part, you can see following and 
> followers. The IM part works like Adium, it has an
> edit box for you to type your message in, and a html area where the answer 
> appears. Both are very accessible, although the
> bug where in groups mode you can't see more than one page is there.
> On the whole, Trillian seems at least to me to be accessible, however there 
> are some tips and tricks one should be aware of:
> In the facebook part, if you want to comment on a certain message, you have 
> to find it and then route the mouse to it
> (vo+cmd+f5) then you'll have to click the mouse (vo+shift+spacebar) to 
> highlight the message. After this, you can right click
> on the message (vo+shift+m) and from the popup menu, decide what to do.
> Trillian works with Growl so it's actually possible to have Trillian speak 
> the incoming chat messages, however that seems to
> be true only when the app is in the back ground.
> The biggest issue this app has is that when in the Facebook or twitter part 
> of the app, you can't send your own posts to the
> services. There's an edit box to type in your message, but there's no send 
> button that VO can see and the shortcuts for
> sending don't seem to work. I have filed a bug at the Cerulian studios bug 
> tracker, so let's see if this gets fixed soon.
> Over all, i think Trillian is a nice experience, and hadn't it been for the 
> fact that i can't send posts to facebook or
> Twitter, i might actually switch from Adium to Trillian.
> /Krister
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