Well, my wife wants to get the one to one class, and I talked to one of the 3 
stores we have near us here in Southern California, and one store in particular 
said they would be willing to take me on, and they have a blind customer 
already. That's the store in Pasadena. Jim

From: Red.Falcon 
Sent: Thursday, July 28, 2011 5:13 AM
To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com 
Subject: Re: new member with several questions.

Hi Jim! 
Well I suppose you could ask at your particular Apple store what there 
knowledge is and your other half would also be able to put it to good use if 
So as long as they [at the store] can fit you in I understand you can have 
quite a lot of 1 to 1 help!
And just one more thing!
If your particular store are not very knowledgable about vo then you signing up 
might help them learn!
Or you might find they are already quite good!
hth Colin

On 28 Jul 2011, at 06:39, jim rawls wrote:

  Thanks Christopher. We'll probably take it. Jim

  From: Christopher Peppel 
  Sent: Wednesday, July 27, 2011 7:29 PM
  To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com 
  Subject: Re: new member with several questions.

  Hi Jim, 

  I took the one-on-one course at the Apple store and it was definitely worth 
it.  In the store I went to, the folks were very friendly and helpful.  It was 
probably the best money I spent.


  On Jul 27, 2011, at 6:11 PM, jim rawls wrote:

    Hi All,
    My wife and I will be buying a mac pro computer in the next little while. I 
am clueless about where to start to learn the mac with voice over. I have been 
a jaws user on windows computer since the year 2000, but think it is time to 
take the plunge and learn the mac with voice over. So, question. Would it help 
us to get the one to one program offered at the Mac store with our purchase? 
    My wife is sighted, I am not. 
    Second, where can I find the list of commands to use on the Mac? 
    Thirdly, is the new lion commands up to learn?
    I can't think f any more things now, but no doubt will, so if you can give 
this clueless potential user of the mac pro some hints on where to start, it 
would be greatly appreciated. 
    thanks for your help.

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