Why not try macsword/elocant.  


  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Justin Ekis 
  To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com 
  Sent: Sunday, July 17, 2011 8:49 PM
  Subject: Re: bible desk top clients?


  Unfortunately, I have not found any bible study software that is very 
accessible at all. However  I have found a solution which is almost as good for 
me, and some might consider it to be better. 

  Optasia ministries offers a free library of bible study material in 
alternative formats for blind people.. The library comes on a DVD, and you can 
copy the files to your hard drive to study whenever you want, or just read from 
the dvd. This library contains many different bible translations, and more 
commentaries and other reading material than you'll ever know what to do with. 
The files are mostly in RTF format that you can read in textedit, or in html 
format. At their web site, you can read a full list of what is included and 
find the phone number and email address to request a copy. Here is the link.

  I hope this is helpful. This really is a goldmine of good materials.


  On Jul 17, 2011, at 5:07 PM, Kliph&Sharrie wrote:

  So what bible apps are out there that will work with voice over?  I have 
tried elloquent, but no go.  Someone gave me some instructions that just didn't 
work out.  I have tried word search on the PC side, but don't feel like buying 
that for the mac just to see if it will work.  All I want to do is to be able 
to study, read and search the bible, and access commentaries if available.  
Thanks.  And before anyone says it, I've already googled it.  Just trying to 
see if there is anything someone else has tried.

  Kliphton SR
  (twitter) http://twitter.com/kliphton72
  (Marriage Blog) http://cm-i-t-real-world.blogspot.com
  Sent from my IMac

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