
I truly don't understand your apparent hostility towards me nor your desire
to publicly insult someone to whom you don't bother to extend the most basic
of courtesies.  

Are you incapable of asking me a question without attacking my character?  

Geoff, it has been said by those wiser than I, that people tend to view
others as they view themselves; something we should all keep in mind before
we attack those with whom we have never met.

Regardless of the mean-spirited tone of your post, I am certain that you are
a nice person who wishes to help others and this is why I have decided to
pay you the respect you clearly do not think I deserve by both ignoring your
antagonistic remarks and answering your question said answer being the

The reason I responded to Ed, on-list, is so that other list members would
know that a reply was posted.  Moreover, it has been my experience that few,
if any, tend to reply to network issues for the reasons stated in the post
to which I am referring.  Some members, who receive few or, in some cases,
no replies to a question may take it personally and I, like you, don't want
anyone to feel as though they are being ignored, pre-judged, or attacked.

That is All.

[The Gospel According To Mark, Chapter 221.]  (Big Smile)  


-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Geoff Waaler
Sent: Thursday, July 14, 2011 10:38 AM
Subject: Re: Network problems

Hi Mark,

Other than illustrating your proclivity toward boundless narsisism, what
purpose was served by sending this to the list?

Best regards.

On Jul 13, 2011, at 4:12 PM, M. Taylor wrote:

> Hello Ed.
> Troubleshooting network connectivity issues can be one of the most
challenging a support person can face.
> However, rather than engaging in lengthy email correspondence, please send
me your contact telephone number, off-list, and I will endeavor to assist
> Please include the city/state/time zone in which you live and the best
time to call.
> Mark
> On Jul 13, 2011, at 11:58 AM, Ed Worrell wrote:
>> Hello Listers, I am having some issues with seeing my network hard drive.
My drive is plugged into a NetGear wireless hub. I can not see the hub or
the drive plugged into it with my MacBook Pro. My MBP is running the latest
version of the OS. Please help me figure it out. If need be , contact me off
list at
>> Thanks ED
>> please check out my music at
>> Follow me on twitter at
>> -- 
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