Cara, you did completely misread my tone.  It just seems totally logical to 
look in the menu bar, especially when there is a menu specifically called 
history in Safari for doing exactly what cliff is trying to do.

Maybe I could have worded things better, but I honestly was only trying to 
help.  I'm sorry people got butt hurt over something that was honestly not 
meant to be taken personally.

I'll say no more on this topic nor the history thread.  I gave my answer.  
Hopefully I was helpful, but I won't assicate any longer with this particular 


  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Cara Quinn 
  Sent: Friday, June 24, 2011 2:18 AM
  Subject: Moderator note -was- Re: brouzing history?

  People, please! trying to moderate eachother's behavior is really the job of 
the moderators. :)

  On a list like this, this usually only results in more posts because each 
party involved then tries to justify themselves, so please leave this sort of 
thing up to us, K?

  If you have a problem with someone or their actions on the list, then please 
email Carolyn, Mark or myself privately and talk with us. We'll go from their. 
Does this make sense?

  Please try to show eachother the same respect you'd like to be shown. It's 
really as simple as that.

  Chris, Unless I've misunderstood your tone, I've seen many of your posts in 
the past, enough to know that you wouldn't appreciate the tone you seem to have 
taken with Cliff, so please just take a quick breath in future, before posting, 
if you would, and I'm sure you'll do fine. :)

  If I've misread your tone, then my apologies, otherwise, just please do give 
the above a bit of consideration, K? :)

  Thanks All, and have a great evening!


  Cara :)

  View my Online Portfolio at:

  Follow me on Twitter!

  On Jun 23, 2011, at 9:54 PM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:

  No need to talk to him that way, just give him the answer.

  The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!

  Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!

  Skype name:


  On Jun 23, 2011, at 7:59 PM, Christopher-Mark Gilland wrote:


    Two weeks?  My! Goodness!  This is so! easy!

    Have you by chance thought to look in your menu bar of Safari?  There is a 
menu bar selection call... Gasp... "History."  The 3rd option down says... 
"Browse... B, r, o, w, s, e, not bruise, b, r, u, i, s, e... all history... 
Command+Option+2.  This is num row 2, by the way, not num pad.


    On Jun 23, 2011, at 8:48 PM, Kliph&Sharrie wrote:

      Okay, have been trying to figure this one out for 2 weeks.  What is the 
key stroke to get to my history in Safari?  Thanks.


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