Well, the past two nights we've had Severe weather inmy area and
several warnings and the app I originally had - Storm Alert, did not
work at all.
I just purchased the Imap Weather Radio and hope it will work better
than the one I mentioned above.  We'll see this afternoon since they
are expecting more T-Storms.  SouthEast FL has quite a few warnings
during the rainy season.

On 4/29/11, Scott Howell <scottn3...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Yes I did and still no joy.
> On Apr 29, 2011, at 8:19 PM, Sarai Bucciarelli wrote:
>> Hi:
>> Did you read the FAQ about what to do if your app doesn't alert? Mine
>> worked fine.
>> On Apr 29, 2011, at 5:23 PM, Scott Howell wrote:
>>> Geoff,
>>> After having a number of tornado and flash flood warnings yesterday and
>>> not receiving any alert from Imap Weather Radio, I requested a refund
>>> from the iTUnes store. Now I did feel a tad guilty because I did get a
>>> note from someone named Matthew who was interested in how to make the app
>>> even more accessible (not that it is much of an issue as is), but I had
>>> shared some ideas. I suspect I won't hear back from him after sharing my
>>> disappointment over the alerts. I thought this would be a really useful
>>> app and I don't have a problem spending the money if it would meet my
>>> needs. However, I had the radio sitting here and got all matter of alerts
>>> via the tones that are generated when the emergency broadcast system is
>>> issuing alerts, but no alert from the app and I had everything setup
>>> properly. So, if this issue is addressed, I would reconsider, but I'd
>>> rather spend the $30 for a stand-alone radio that does the job and get
>>> the alert, then spend $10 and never hear the alert until the house is
>>> caving in on me. :)
>>> Overall the app is accessible and the quality of the recordings are very
>>> good. I also will say the responsiveness of the customer service folks is
>>> very good as well.
>>> On Apr 29, 2011, at 2:49 PM, Geoff Waaler wrote:
>>>> Greetings y'all,
>>>> I was going to write Sarai off list to express appreciation for her
>>>> excellent review and thanksgiving that she got through the recent
>>>> turbulence that recently reigned supreme here in the SouthEastern United
>>>> States.
>>>> I started asking so many follow-up questions, however that I changed my
>>>> mind and decided that others might be able to contribute to and benefit
>>>> from the discussion, so here goes.
>>>> If IMAP WeatherRadio indeed gives a loud and timely warning I believe
>>>> it's worth the cost.  So far either the conditions in my area lacked
>>>> sufficient importance to trigger a major alarm, or the sound emitted
>>>> would never awaken me from a deep sleep.  Yesterday our region got
>>>> several tornado watches which were extended several times.  I saw an
>>>> alert from ImapWeatherRadio, but if there was any sound at all it was
>>>> the two tone beep that accompanies a push notification, tipicle of what
>>>> my phone emits when the FoxNews app sends a "breaking news" alert, or
>>>> when AtBat11 informs me that the Cubs lost again.  I usually sleep right
>>>> through those!  I went into settings -> Notifications and confirmed that
>>>> both sounds and alerts are enabled for WeatherRadio.  Perhaps there
>>>> needs to be an actual warning in order to receive a loud alert?  I also
>>>> observed that this app inserts an entry into settings, which is now
>>>> empty, so perhaps they intend add the option of configuring different
>>>> sounds in a future update.
>>>> When this app was first discussed, it was stated that one could read
>>>> text of the conditions and forecast without having to activate
>>>> ImapWeatherRadio's audio.  So far I have not determined how to
>>>> accomplish this.  The IMap dialog seemed to be the most applicable place
>>>> to look, but none of the visible buttons (play, refreshmap, unlabeled,
>>>> or Map's time stamp)) appear to cause the app to convey the text portion
>>>> in a vo accessible manner.
>>>> I also tried double tapping an area on the screen where I presume the
>>>> map is displayed, but that only presented the "Map settings" dialog.
>>>> This is hardly a deal breaker for me, but the earlier discussion has me
>>>> thinking I must be missing something obvious.
>>>> TIA and best regards.
>>>> Geoff
>>>> On Apr 28, 2011, at 7:48 PM, Sarai Bucciarelli wrote:
>>>>> Hi all:
>>>>> I've received questions about the above application, so thought I'd
>>>>> write a review of the application. Unfortunately, I had use of it
>>>>> yesterday. I'm running an iPhone 4, iOS 4.3.
>>>>> Imap Weather Radio is an accessible weather radio application, which
>>>>> can be configured to alert you to any weather event of your choosing.
>>>>> It wil use your GPS to send alerts where ever you are. You can also set
>>>>> the app to alert for 5 locations based on zip, city, state, airport
>>>>> code, etc. Unlike other radio apps which happen to have weather radio
>>>>> stations, Imap wakes up your iOS device, sounds an alarm, and will send
>>>>> audio, and text alerts. From experience, it works, and will send the
>>>>> alerts at the same time as a Midland NOA Weather Radio. Fortunately,
>>>>> there isn't a delay in notifications, wich was one of my concerns with
>>>>> push notification. It was comforting to have this application when I
>>>>> lost all power due to yesterday's storms. The app does activate
>>>>> location tracking, and surprisingly, it doesn't cause to much of a
>>>>> battery drain. Last night, I had Imap, as well as several other apps
>>>>> pushing data pretty hard to my phone. At 5 P.M, I unplugged the phone
>>>>> at 100% battery power. Around 10 P.M. I was down to 49%; that was with
>>>>> a constant stream of data being pushed. Today, I started at 82% at 8
>>>>> A.M. and I was at 70
>>>>> % at 6 P.M. This was on a calm day with normal phone use. Not bad, IMO.
>>>>> The app is definitely worth the $9.95.
>>>>> I hope this review helps.
>>>>> Sarai Bucciarelli
>>>>> Personal to win Amazon and other free gift cards, Come join me on
>>>>> www.swagbucks.com/refer/sdbuccia
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