Hi all,

I apologize for not giving the feed for my podcast earlier. I just gave the 
website  for the podcast. I think you might have to search for the numbers cast 
in the archives, I'm sorry about that. I did it a while back, once the Mac is 
back, I can point you to the exact podcast if you like. THe feed for my cast 
and to subscribe in Itunes is:

This podcast is not only about the Mac but just things that are going on in my 
life, and technology and the Mac and Iphone from a blindness perspective. Of 
course, blindness technology isn't the sole focus  of my cast.  Anything goes, 
there are some musical ones too with banjos, guitars, mandolins etc.  If you 
subscribe, I hope you enjoy. Please feel free to contact me or send me your 
questions and comments offlist. Have a great day.


My birds are winged blessings, they help me soar!

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