Hi John and Tom,

Are you sure that you're using the appropriate keyboard shortcut?  On my 
Macbook Pro, where I have checked the box for "Use all F1, F2, etc. keys as 
standard function keys" on the "Keyboard" tab of the "Keyboard" menu under 
"System Preferences", using the Fn+F1 key to lower the display to where it says 
keyboard brightness is "0 per cent" has the same effect as turning my screen 
curtain on, according to other users.  This also checks out if I try to use the 
iPhone "Light Detector" app; I get no sound when the iPhone is pointed to my 
laptop screen when the display brightness reported by VoiceOver is "0 per cent" 
-- same as with my screen curtain turned on.  As soon as I start to raise my 
screen brightness with Fn+F2 the "Light Detector" app on the iPhone picks it 
up.  Of course, if I don't press the Fn key along with the F1 or F2 key, 
nothing happens to the brightness adjustment with the above settings.

Are you using external displays like with an iMac? Also, what setting do you 
use when you check your "Displays" menu under System Preferences?  Under the 
Display tab is the box for "Automatically adjust brightness as ambient light 
changes" checked or unchecked?  When you interact with the slider and push it 
all the way down to 0 does your screen go dark? 



On Jun 10, 2011, at 15:40, John Sanfilippo wrote:

> Wow! I quite aggree with your need to dim the screen even further than it 
> currently allows. I've resorted to the screen curtain (shift vo f11), though 
> that's not really the answer.
> Thanks for sharing.
> John S
> On Jun 9, 2011, at 10:25 PM, Tom Frank wrote:
> Hi all,
> Even at zero percent the screen is too bright for me to see maps on Google . 
> Is there any way to dial down the brightness even further? It may be limited 
> because screens are now LEDs and not CRTs. 
> Tom Frank
> vermont...@gmail.com
> On Jun 8, 2011, at 10:21 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Why not just leave it at 0%, and then when a person needs to see the screen, 
>> just press function F2 to brighten to the persons desired level.  Then, just 
>> press Function F1 to lower brightness back to 0%?
>> Ricardo Walker
>> rwalker...@gmail.com
>> Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
>> www.mobileaccess.org
>> On Jun 8, 2011, at 9:22 PM, Shameless FanGirl wrote:
>>> Hi again all,
>>> For those of you who choose to dial your brightness down on your Mac, but 
>>> who choose to have it bright enough to be able to be adequately viewed, 
>>> should you need it via sighted assistance, I'm told it's still perfectly 
>>> fine at 10 to 15% brightness. Just thought I'd share that observation with 
>>> the list.

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