Hi Lex, Welcome to the macvisionaries list. Colin and Mark have already responded with the shortcut for rewinding in iTunes (Command+Option+Left or Right arrow keys). I'll answer your question about jumping to a specific time in any track in iTunes by also pointing you to a great resource for this list: the secondary list archives at the Mail Archive site: http://www.mail-archive.com/macvisionaries%40googlegroups.com/ You can perform Boolean searches using wild cards and filtering by author, subject, and date range by typing a few simple search terms into the text box. For example, to find a post that answers your question, I just went to the Mail Archive site and typed in: from:Esther rewind* iTunes into the text box, then pressed "Return", and got a results page with links to 10 posts that I wrote on this topic, listed in order of search relevance. The first entry and its link is: "Different ways to forward and rewind in iTunes [was Re: Fast forwarding and rewinding in iTunes]" http://www.mail-archive.com/macvisionaries%40googlegroups.com/msg39159.html
That post explains both the use of the shortcut keys and the media function keys (that Mark mentioned). It also mentions the "RestartAt" AppleScript that you can get from Tim Kilburn's VoiceOver downloads pages with their current URL at: http://web.me.com/kilburns/voiceover/downloads.html The RestartAt AppleScript was hacked together from various scripts at Doug Adams' "AppleScripts for iTunes" web site to permit just what you ask for: navigating to any specific time in a selected track (audio or video) in iTunes. Tim gives full instructions on installation and usage on his downloads page. When downloaded and copied into your home directory's ~/Library/iTunes/Scripts folder the AppleScripts will just appear to be like regular menu options under a new, AppleScripts menu on your iTunes menu bar. (You'll have to create the "Scripts" folder if this is the first time you're using AppleScripts under iTunes.) I also highly recommend looking through the rest of his pages for information about using VoiceOver, and his VoiceOver Tips and Tricks section. If you use any AppleScript a lot, you can assign your own keyboard shortcut to it to make things even more convenient. You might also want to take a closer look at the "AppleScripts for iTunes" site. For example, I use an old "Replay Last Bit" AppleScript that lets me rewind a fixed time interval from the current position of the current track. (This is useful if I'm transcribing some notes that I recorded and want to listen again to some portion.) There's a newer variant of this AppleScript called "Skip Back or Ahead" that lets you input the time in a dialog window. These scripts are all "Donationware" -- free to download and use, but with the suggestion that if you really find them useful that at some time you make a donation to help support Doug in his continuing efforts to produce more of these. The main site is: http://www.dougscripts.com A google search for "AppleScripts for iTunes", or for what you want the script to do, along with "dougscripts.com" should turn up useful results. Finally, to get back to my comment about using the Mail Archive search functions to find answers to questions of interest in the list archives, in addition to having great search algorithms that are much better than the ones that you use for the Google Groups archives, the Mail Archive supports access key combinations that work cross-platform with multiple browsers, and that also allow you to easily read up and down threads. That way, if your search takes you into the middle of a discussion, you can read up or down the thread to find out the context of what is being said. In Safari on the Mac, the access key is the Control key, and you can read the previous messages in the thread by pressing "Control-p", and the next messages with "Control-n". If you're on Windows using Internet Explorer, you can still read through the threads this way; just substitute the "Alt" key for the "Control" key as the appropriate access key, and so forth for other browsers. You can read up more about the Mail Archive's search syntax and keyboard shortcuts at their FAQ page: http://www.mail-archive.com/faq.html Hope this helps (HTH). Cheers, Esther On May 15, 2011, at 10:32, Colin M wrote: > Hi Lex! > To move through a track either forward or back! > use the command+option and either left or right arrow keys! > As far as getting to a set place I'm not sure you can [unless someone knows > better] > Colin > > On 15 May 2011, at 21:13, Lex wrote: > >> Hi all, >> >> I am new to this list, so let me introduce myself. My name is Oleksij, I am >> living in Kyiv, Ukraine. Currently I am taking a bachelor degree in computer >> science at National University of Kyiv Mohyla Academy, and work as a python >> developer part-time. Also I am member of the NVDA development team, which is >> a free and open-source screenreader for Microsoft Windows. >> I suddenly got MacBook pro a week ago and have been playing with it all the >> time. The whole system impresses me a lot, however as a newbie I have many >> questions, which I hope to find answers to with your help. >> >> >> So, my first question follows: >> >> How to rewind through the track in ITunes? When I use command+control+arrows >> it jumps too mutch, (usually to the end of the song) while I want to jump >> for 10 seconds or for a minute. >> Also, how can I jump to a specified time of the track? >> >> Thanks in advance for your answers! >> >> Lex >> -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "MacVisionaries" group. To post to this group, send email to macvisionaries@googlegroups.com. To unsubscribe from this group, send email to macvisionaries+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com. For more options, visit this group at http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.