It is just a shame that Apple aren't willing to do anything with regard to
"themes" for low vision users, the totally blind are covered quite nicely
but anyone that needs to use high contrast is stuffed because everything is
just inverted!

Larry & Flax GD (Guide Dog)
& Elliot RTG (Retired Guide Dog)
London, UK

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Bryan Jones
Sent: 04 May 2011 16:24
Subject: Re: Campaign to get an accessible Microsoft Office for the Mac


Thank you for taking the initiative to start this discussion and for posting
the MS contact information. I will send them a note today. Last year I had
taken a quick look around the web and found the following MSDN Accessibility
Blog. It hadn't been updated in a few years and when I attempted to contact
the author my email bounced. I just looked again and see that a new post was
added by a new author last month so I'm going to try contacting them again.


On May 3, 2011, at 2:28 PM, Chris Moore wrote:
> Maybe we should start a campaign to get Office on the Mac accessible.
Anyone up for it? If you know anyone who is willing to send an email
requesting that Microsoft make their Office Suite accessible then point them
to this web page.
> Select the Office product you are interested in providing feedback for and
say something like "I am very interested in purchasing your Office Suite for
the Macintosh platform.  However, i understand your product is not
accessible as it is not compatible with VoiceOver which is the built in
screen reader for the blind for OS X.  If you were to add support for
VoiceOver, this would result in thousands of Sales.

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