Hi All;

Just let me wish a very happy Easter to those who celebrate! -Thanks for your 
continued interest / participation in this group! -You rock!

I just want to remind everyone that OT posts are not permitted here. The quick 
rule would be that if you feel you might possibly need to put OT in the subject 
line at all, then don't send your note without first asking one of the 
moderators, K?…

People who ignore this will have their posting privileges removed.

I'm posting this only as a reminder and to ask that people not respond to the 
latest OT post on this list. When you do this, you're simply making the traffic 
noisier and causing others to be moved to do the same. So I just want to 
mention this now, before this happens. -Make sense?…

Anyway, once again, I hope peeps have had a lovely day and that we all have a 
wonderful rest of our weekends! K?

Y'all rock! Talk with you soon!…


Cara :)
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