Hi Mary,

If you are using the Apple WIreless Keyboard with the Mac, then the commands 
for editing changes are just the same as a Mac laptop user would make, and you 
can verify this by turning on keyboard help mode (VO-K), pressing the key 
combinations, and listening to what VoiceOver announces before exiting this 
mode by pressing the escape key.  Press the Fn key in combination with the 
arrow keys:
Fn+Left Arrow = Home
Fn+Right Arrow = End
Fn+Up Arrow = Page Up
Fn+Down Arrow = Page Down
These Fn key combinations do not work under iOS when you use the Apple Wireless Keyboard 
paired to an iPhone, iPod Touch, or iPad.  In fact, a good hint that, at least initially, 
the Fn key was not meant to be part of the standard shortcut combinations for iOS 3.2 and 
4.x, is the absence of an "Fn" key on the keyboard of the iPad Keyboard Dock.  
The bottom row of keys is otherwise identical for this keyboard and the Apple Wireless 

To forward delete a charcter with the Apple Wireless Keyboard (on the Mac) 
press Fn+Delete.  To forward delete a word (on the Mac), press 
Fn+Option+Delete.  These are all shortcut commands that are part of Mac OS X 
and work independently of VoiceOver in all Cocoa apps (which means most of the 
standard apps you work with, such as TextEdit, Mail, etc.).

When you use your Apple Wireless Keyboard (or other Bluetooth keyboard) paired to an iOS 
device many of the combinations described in my archived post on "Moving and 
Selecting in Cocoa Apps" will work:

I'll paste in a part of this below.  However, I'll add that since the original post and 
the extension to Bluetooth keyboard usage for the iOS devices, you can use either the 
Control key or the Command key in some of these combinations (for moving to the beginning 
or end of a line, or the beginning or end of a document, for example).  I suspect this 
was done to accommodate Bluetooth keyboards that have no Command key. In fact, for 
earlier versions of iOS 4.0.x and 4.1.x, in keyboard help mode for the iPhone, iPad, and 
iPod Touch, VoiceOver would not announce the commands for moving to the start or end of 
the line, etc. whne you used the Command key in place of the Control key, although it 
would perform the action. On the iOS devices the way I would perform a foward delete by 
one or more words with the Apple Wireless Keyboard is to press the Shift key along with 
the Right Arrow and Option keys and then press "Delete".  You'll hear VoiceOver 
announce the selected text (e.g. press Shift, Option, and tap the right arrow key while 
continuing to press the Shift and Option keys to extend your selection by words, then use 
the Delete key to delete your selection.)  

HTH.  Excerpted selection from longer archived post that details more ways to 
move and edit is pasted from the archived link: 

Control-a  moves you to the beginning of a line
Control-e  moves you to the end of a line

but you might have an easier time remembering their counterparts with the 
Command key and the arrow keys:

Command-Left arrow moves you to the beginning of a line
Command-Right arrow moves you to the end of a line

These key commands work independent of VoiceOver -- they're shortcuts built 
into the Cocoa structure and are used by everyone -- not just VoiceOver users.

You can put together most of the sequences to move that use the Command, 
Option, and arrow keys, with corresponding sequences to select by simply 
holding down the Shift key when you execute the commands:

command+up arrow          move to beginning of the document
shift+command+up arrow    select to the beginning of the document

command+down arrow        move to the end of the document
shift+command+down arrow  select to the end of the document

command+left arrow        move to the beginning of the line
shift+command+left arrow  select to the beginning of the line

command+right arrow       move to the end of the line
shift+command+right arrow select to the end of the line

option+right arrow        move one word to the right
shift+option+right arrow  select one word to the right

option+left arrow         move one word to the left
shift+option+left arrow   select one word to the left

option+up arrow           move to the beginning of the paragraph
shift+option+up arrow     select to the beginning of the paragraph

option+down arrow         move to the end of the paragraph
shift+option+down arrow   select to the end of the paragraph

up arrow                  move up from present position
shift+up arrow            select upward

down arrow                move down from present position
shift+down arrow          select downward


Mar 29, 2011, at 12:06 PM, Mary Otten <motte...@gmail.com> wrote:

As there is no "sixpack" of keys containing things like insert, delete, page 
up, down etc, on the Apple bluetooth keyboard, I am wondering how one does a forward 
delete on that keyboard. Backspace functions as one supposes it should, but what do you 
do if you want to delete going the other way, a function normally accomplished with the 
delete key on the aforementioned sixpack.


Mary Otten

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