Hi Anne and others,

I have actually got VO to drag and drop between windows in some situations.  
Here's how and where.

First situation is in Server Admin.  Now, I know that most do not use this app 
but the gist of it may work in other similarly designed apps.  In order to add 
members to groups, I need to open a separate window within Server Admin.  In 
this situation, I can drag and drop from one window to the other without VO 
losing focus or dropping it before my intended location.

The second situation is in the Finder when copying from the Desktop to some 
other location.  One can use Copy-Paste-Delete but I've had some situations 
where it takes a considerable amount of time to do the Copy-Paste folder thing 
whereas if it was simply a drag and drop, the action would be more or less 
instantaneous.  Here's my trick.

1.  In Trackpad commander, set up a gesture for mouse down and mouse up.  I 
used cmd-flick down for mouse down and cmd-flick up for mouse up.
2.  Now open the window of the folder location where you wish to drop the items.
3.  Press VO-shift-d to go back to the Desktop.
4.  Navigate to the file/folder to be moved.
5.  Make sure the mouse is also there by pressing VO-cmd-f5.
6. cmd-flick down to perform the mouse down action.
7.  VO-f2-f2 to bring up the Window Chooser.
8.  Select the appropriate window.
9.  cmd-flic up to drop.

In this case, I do not Interact With the List or Column of the window, I just 
drop it when I've brought focus to the window where I'd like it to drop.

There are some limitations even with this gesture method.  The only way that 
the Drag and Drop gesture method seems to work is if the drag from window is in 
Icon mode.  If it's in List or Column mode, it won't work.  Also, sometimes, if 
there are some folders in the dropping location, my item sometimes lands in 
there instead of where I want it to.

It's a work in progress but I thought that I'd let people know.  If someone 
else has more time than me to play/experiment with this, they're welcome to 
enlighten me with their insights.


On 2011-03-22, at 1:50 AM, Anne Robertson wrote:

> Hello Kevin,
> Drag&Drop only works within the same window at the moment, so I doubt it is 
> going to be of use to you.
> However, VO-F6 will tell you everything that is selected.
> Cheers,
> Anne
> On 22 Mar 2011, at 08:18, Kevin Gibbs wrote:
>> Guys,
>> I went looking for Josh's tutorial that was referenced in a search of theMac 
>> Visionaries archives but couldn't find it.  I'm trying to find a way to 
>> select multiple files and copy or drag them to another location.  Could 
>> someone tell me where this info is located in the Voiceover manual?  Also, 
>> is there any way to have Voiceover summarize the items you've selected, 
>> particularly if they are discontiguous?
>> Thanks,
>> Kevin
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Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

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