I have, use, love and adore my Mac Book Air 11in, I know many iPad users who 
now have both the iPad and the 11in Air, and they say that quite often they 
will opt to use the Air, simply as it has a physical keyboard. these are both 
sighted and low vision users.

personally, I have both too, and generally now always opt for the Air, leaving 
my wife to enjoy the iPad, that is when the kids aren't fighting for it.

if I had to make the choice over, I'd pick the Air any day rather than the 
iPad. The apps available on it I have also on my iPhone, so no big loss.

you really cannot beat that keyboard, and the Air being honest, and lying one 
on top of the other right now, they are no different in size at all.

When I dim the screen to 0% and activate the screen curtain on my Air, I get 6 
plus hours out of it... interestingly, if you turn the screen down to 0% and 
activate the curtain, and do nothing with the machine, no running apps, and 
turn off WiFi and blue tooth, pull the power cord, the battery level indicates 
a whopping 11 hours 50 minutes of usage...

of course this begins to pull down as you introduce apps that need connectivity 
etc... but I took a flight to Europe the other day, 4 hours, no WiFi no Blue 
tooth, and the Air lasted the 2 hours in the air port lounge, the whole 4 hours 
in the air, and a further 3 hours in the hotel, before even beginning to wine 
about power.

it is important to note though that connectivity and apps which regularly do 
things like mail clients, Skype etc, all drain power more than a simple word 
processor etc.

trust me on this, get the air and you'll not be unhappy with your choice.


Neil Barnfather
Talks List Administrator

Twitter @NeilBarnfather

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On 4 Mar 2011, at 13:48, Denise Avant wrote:

hello all,
i am contemplating getting another apple device. i need something that is light 
to take when i travel. i was thinking of the ipad 2 because you can get pages 
to write with. the only problem here is that there is no port for external 
media like a usb drive, is there?
my other alternative is that i can get the macbook air. but its a little 
bigger. i really don't need a screen. but i would have a port for external 
media. of course i would miss all of those apps you can have on the ipad.
that can be negated by the fact that i have an iphone.
well, i would be interested in hearing from those with the air. i know the ipad 
2 is not out yet, but i'm sure there are some first generation ipad users here.

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