Hi Denise,

ACB Main Menu is in the iTunes Store; just go to "Search" in the File menu on 
the menu bar to do an iTunes Power Search, navigate to what is normally the 
HTML area of the Store and change the pop up button (VO-Space) from "All 
Results" to "Podcasts", then VO-Right arrow and type in your search in the text 
box.  This method of using the power search is also the fastest way to find 
something within the iTunes Store, and has a much lower overhead if you want to 
avoid the "VoiceOver, busy" messages -- it's much more efficient than simply 
pointing to the iTunes Store in your sources table and typing something in the 
general search text box for iTunes, since it keeps the HTML pages with images 
from loading, it automatically sets you to the iTunes store in a text-based 
search page, and it focuses your search to the specific category you want 
(Podcasts, Music, Movies, Apps, etc.) with additional textbox search criteria 
(e.g., name keywords, artist, author, etc.). Here's the iTunes Store link to 
the entry for ACB Radios's Main Menu (which you could get to by typing "main 
menu" using the above procedure):   

Blind Cool Tech used to be in the iTunes Store, but I think it's unusual feed 
structure of having links to all the episodes since it started on a single web 
page produced problems, and back around July 2009 the feed started behaving 
very oddly in the iTunes Store.  I also avoid visiting the main web site so 
that VoiceOver does not have to deal with several years worth of program links 
on a single page, but instead just visit the RSS feed address:


To add this feed to your iTunes podcast subscriptions, navigate to the 
"Advanced" menu on your iTunes Menu Bar (VO-M, then press "a") and arrow down 
to "Subscribe to Podcast…".  Paste the feed address into the dialog window and 
press return.  The feed will be added to your subscriptions.

I think you asked a very similar question a month ago on the viphone list.  
I'll paste in the part of my response that gave the feed addresses for the 
other Podcasts you asked about (including Main Menu and Accessible World Tek 
Talk).  Note that the feeds only go back for a certain time, and that you may 
have to manually select and download older episodes from within your iTunes 

<begin quote>
Hi Denise,

Here are the podcast feeds you asked about, listed on the line following the 
name of each program. Type or paste them into the Podcaster iPhone app by 
double tapping the "Directory" button (4th of 5 from the left,  on the bottom 
of the main Podcaster screen), then flick to "Import", which is the last of the 
listed "Podcast Directory" options, and double tap.  On the resulting page, 
these feed entries should be entered into the text field where VO prompts you 
to "Enter feed URL or OPML URL".  Note that all the feed entries should be 
typed as a continuous string with no spaces, on a single line.  If mail wraps 
these to a second line and introduces a break or space between characters on 
the long entries (e.g. for Mac-cessibility or Accessible World Tek Talk), make 
sure that you copy the entire feed entry URL and remove any spaces or line 

• Main Menu:
• Mac-cessibility:
• Accessible World Tek Talk:

Here are another few feed URLs for podcast subscriptions that I added by hand.  
I'll add these because some of these feeds were hard to find:

• All with my iPhone:
• Serotalk:
• Tech Doctor Blog and Podcast:
• App Store Pundit:

In general, the easiest way I've found to add podcast subscriptions to 
Podcaster is to search for the podcasts and subscribe to them in iTunes by 
using the power search menu of the iTunes Store. Navigate (VO-M, then press "s" 
or "s t") to the "Store" menu on your iTunes menu bar, arrow down and press "s" 
again to go to the "Search…" menu option. This will simultaneously select the 
"iTunes Store" in your source list, and take you to the Power Search page in 
the store.  Navigate to the Power Search area and  press (VO-Space) the "All 
Results" pop up button and change this to "Podcasts".  Then type in your search 
terms for the title and/or author of the podcast. VO-Space on the "Subscribe 
Free" button to subscribe.
<end quote>

HTH.  Cheers,


On Feb 23, 2011, at 02:49, Denise Avant wrote:

> hello all,
> i want to subscribe to some podcasts using itunes. i'm wanting to subscribe 
> to blindcooltech, accessibleworld tech talk archives, and ACB main menu. 
> these do not appear to be available when i subscribe to them. if this is not 
> true, and someone has subscribed to these podcasts, please let me know. even 
> if they are unavailable, i think i read that you can type in the feed in the 
> search box in itunes.
> thanks.

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