Hi Kevin, I've pasted your assignment below with my suggestions for the tasks:
Switch to the Sheet1 worksheet by clicking on the Sheet1 tab at the bottom of the workbook. TK: Interact with the Layout area and choose Table 1 then Interact with it. Enter the worksheet title, Kona’s Expresso Coffee, in cell A1. TK: Navigate using VO to Cell A1 and enter the text or Interact with cell A1 to paste it in. Enter the worksheet subtitle, Annual Cost, in cell A2. TK: Same as above. Using Table 1-a below, enter the store locations in the range B3:F3. Using Table 1-a below, enter the categories in the range A4:A7. Using Table 1-a below, enter the numbers in the range B4:F7. TABLE 1-a New York Chicago Denver Seattle San Francisco Coffee Beans 34146.39 43253.53 43522.72 53075.94 47654.32 Containers 964.84 1009.97 864.65 1215.39 1429.98 Condiments 21843.43 37627.87 9817.67 12793.47 11565.13 Pastries 47381.28 52420.37 38389.12 23074.84 22805.06 TK: Enter as above. You can use the tabkey to go across from B3 to C3 and so on. You can use the return/enter key to go down so that there is no need for using the VO keys at all times. Enter the text, Total, in cells G3 and A8. TK: Same as always. In the range G4:G7 use the SUM function to determine the totals for each type of supply. TK: Enter =sum(b4:f4) in Cell G4. Same formula syntax as in Excel. Alternatively, you can highlight cells B4 through B7 by navigating to B4 then holding down shift while arrowing down until VO says four rows selected. Then go to the Toolbar, navigate to the Function pop-up and choosing Sum. Numbers will automatically place the function into the cell below the highlighted ones referencing the range selected. You can either retype the formula with the new cell references, copy and paste into the remaining cells, or use the Fill Down option within the Insert menu to do the remaining cell totals. In the range B8:F8 use the SUM function to determine the totals for each store location. TK: Same function as above. If you use the Fill command, you'll need to use Fill Right or Left. In cell G8 use the SUM function to determine the total of the range G4:G7. TK: Same syntax for the formula as above, simply use the cell references asked in this question. Use Cell Styles in the Styles group on the Home tab on the Ribbon to format the worksheet title with the Title cell style. TK: Not sure if what I'm suggesting is exactly what is being asked as Numbers has different terminology. I would navigate to cell A1 to bring focus to it, Stop Interacting With the Table and everything else until VO announces, "Stop Interacting With Scroll Area". Navigate right to the Styles Table and choose an appropriate style. I chose Grey Header in this case as it seemed close enough in Numbers lingo. Merge and center the worksheet title across columns A through G. TK: Highlight cells A1 through G1 by navigating to A1 then just hold down the shift key and arrow right until it reads seven cells selected. Press VO-m to activate the menubar, go under the Tables menu and choose Merge Cells. Format the worksheet subtitle to 14-point bold font, with Dark Teal, Text 2 font color. TK: Navigate to the cell, Interact With it then 4-click on the mouse to select all the text within the cell. Press cmd-t to bring out the font window and change the size to 14. Press the Text colour button and choose the desired colour. Remember to make sure you press the Colour Pallet button in the Toolbar and you may wish to choose the Crayon selection of colours instead of the Apple selection in the main area. This is a pop-up choice which will give more colour choices. Merge and center the worksheet subtitle across columns A through G. TK: Same method as outlined above. Use Cell Styles in the Styles group on the Home tab on the Ribbon to format the range A3:G3 with the Heading 2 cell style. Use Cell Styles to format the range A4:G7 with the 20% - Accent1 cell style. Use Cell Styles to format the range A8:G8 with the Total cell style. TK: I'm not sure exactly how to apply the Cell Styles above but I would attempt it by selecting the group of cells and choosing the closest style from the Styles Table. Use the buttons in the Number group on the Home tab on the Ribbon to apply the Accounting Number format to the range B4:G4 and the range B8:G8. Use the buttons in the Number group on the Home tab on the Ribbon to apply the Comma Style to the range B5:G7. TK: For the above formatting, possibly the Ledger Style would work. Increase the width of columns A through E to 13.00 points each. Increase the width of column F to 17.71 points. Increase the width of column G to 14.00 points. Make sure each of these columns is exactly the requested width. TK: Select the specific column, press cmd-option-i to open the Inspector and choose the Table Inspector. You can enter the values within the Inspector. Select the range A3:F7 and then insert a 3-D Clustered Column chart. Apply the Style 8 chart style to the chart. Move and resize the chart so that the upper-left corner is in cell A10, and the lower-right corner is in cell G26. Do not drag the chart corner to the edges of cell G26. Make sure there is a small amount of empty space in cell G26 to the right and bottom of the chart corner. Do not use the Alt key when resizing the chart.. TK: Select the desired cells then up to the Insert menu and down to Chart. Not all the chart styles are named the same as in Excel so I would just choose the closest sounding one. Not sure how to move it at this point as I don't have sighted assistance to determine if it's actually moving for me. Normally, as long as the Chart object is still selected you can move things with your arrow keys. I'm just not sure how to make it go exactly where asked. Edit the worksheet subtitle by adding the text, of Goods, to the end of the subtitle. The new subtitle text should be Annual Cost of Goods. See example. TK: This should be relatively easy using steps for entering text mentioned in earlier questions. Hope this is somewhat helpful for you. There are some things that appear to be a little messy when changing colours and such as well as my unfamiliarity with the Chart creation and placement procedure. Hopefully you can figure some of this out with the basics I've given you and/or if someone pipes in with a few suggestions of their own. Good luck! Tim Kilburn Fort McMurray, AB Canada -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "MacVisionaries" group. To post to this group, send email to macvisionaries@googlegroups.com. To unsubscribe from this group, send email to macvisionaries+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com. For more options, visit this group at http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.