r...@chicksdigmacs.net is not my email address. It's r...@chicksdigmacs.net. 
That's the address to email. I suppose my email address is being hidden for 
some reason? I'm not doing that.
On Feb 3, 2011, at 10:47 AM, Phantom.Vader wrote:

> Hi Rose!
> Love it!  I tried to email you, though, and got a "delivery failed"
> message.  Are we supposed to use the r...@chicksdigmacs.net address on
> your Mac Visionaries profile or is there another, or did something
> just go wrong?  I'd love to get one of those addresses if they're
> still available!
> On Feb 1, 7:13 am, Rose Morales <r...@chicksdigmacs.net> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I purchased the domain chicksdigmacs.net last month. Among other things, one 
>> of the things I offer with this domain is email addresses. I have my email 
>> hosted with google apps, and I have 50 email addresses to give out as part 
>> of google apps' free edition package. Although I don't always have the time 
>> to post to mailing lists, I find this one to be one of my favorites to read 
>> and to respond to. Thus, I wanted you guys to be the first list I offer 
>> email addresses to. If you're a chick who digs macs or a guy who likes 
>> chicks who dig macs and would like an email address at my domain, please 
>> contact me off list with the display name you want for your email address 
>> along with the email address you would like. Once I set up your email 
>> address, I will have the automated system send you an email with your login 
>> credentials, including a temporary password which you must change when you 
>> first login to your email account. I don't anticipate filling up all fifty 
>> slots, but just in case, I will be giving email addresses out first come 
>> first serve. And in the event that all fifty get filled, I will post a 
>> message notifying the list of this.
>> Enjoy!
>> Rose
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