Where do you buy it from? As I recall I think it was quite cheap, under $100.00 
US dollars.

On 26/01/2011, at 10:20 PM, Scott Howell wrote:

> Yes, but I believe the trial only will OCR two pages, but I honestly cannot 
> recall.
> ALso, you might try contacting them. THey don't offer student discounts, but 
> can't hurt to ask and they might just give you a coupon.
> Scott
> On Jan 26, 2011, at 6:07 AM, Stephanie Mitchell wrote:
>> Thanks for the reply.  I found the trial version of this software.  Will 
>> this trial convert scanned immages to text? 
>> i'm happy to pay for it, but I need to test it before I buy.  I need to scan 
>> my bi study materials next week so need to make sure it'll work.  I hope it 
>> does, because I am thinking of going totalY mac and not using windows again 
>> unless I have too.
>> Thanks,
>> Steph
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: Scott Howell <scottn3...@gmail.com
>> To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
>> Date sent: Tue, 25 Jan 2011 19:15:41 -0500
>> Subject: Re: scanning software for the mac
>> I personally use ABBYY Fine Reader Express.  It will interface with most 
>> twain compliant scanners.  Others will have something to say on this subject 
>> as well.
>> As far as installing software, I will give you the most basic information 
>> because there is a lot to cover as far as technical details.
>> So, basically you have software that is rapped in a disk image and most of 
>> these have an extension of dmg.  This disk image when opened mounts to the 
>> desktop and contains the application or perhaps an a self-contained 
>> installer package, which incidentally has an extension of pkg.
>> SOmetimes software is simply archived as a zip file and once opened it 
>> generally will extract the contents of the zip in the same location (i.e.  
>> in the downloads folder if that is where your downloads are located).  If 
>> the file is an app (not a pkg file or installer) you can simply copy the app 
>> into the Applications folder.  When you run the app, it will create any 
>> preference files etc.  If the app is an installer package, you would not 
>> copy this to the Applications folder.  You can just run it from wherever you 
>> are and it will install the software and any other supporting files into the 
>> proper locations.
>> You can unmount the disk image by selecting it and pressing command-e to 
>> eject the disk.  This is a very quick and dirty description without piling 
>> to many details on you.  There are a lot of great resources out there that 
>> cover the topic in greater detail and you might want to do some reading and 
>> research.
>> I am sure others will have plenty to share on this topic as well.
>> Hope that helps some and gets you started.
>> Scott
>> On Jan 25, 2011, at 6:47 PM, Stephanie Mitchell wrote:
>> What is the best scanning software for the mac?
>> Also, any hints on installing programmes on the mac would be good.  I am new 
>> to the mac, and software doesn't install like windows.
>> Steph
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