Hi Sharon!
You will find your contacts by interacting with the second table the first 
table normally says empty table and the next one should say no selection thats 
your contacts!
There is no shortcut keys for answer or hangup, but there is some software to 
down load with shortcuts for both!

When you got skype if it said something like 2.8 or like that, you have the 
stable one the other one is 5 beta!
The table before the contacts is for history or missed events!
Just after your account balance there should be a button you can check what its 
set on by the command vo+shift+h it might be missed events but it should be 
If it is history you can label it yourself by the command vo+/ after you've 
labelled that in future it will say that  history  but if it does not just 
check it with that help tag command again and if it says missed events  then 
label it so!
>From then on which ever one it is it will tell you!
Sorry for the long post!
So if it is history vo+space bar on it then scroll right to that first table 
and interact with it and you'll get your history!
When your done stop interacting and go back to the button and press it again, 
and when you go back to that table it should once again say empty!
Anyway I hope this is of some help!
I'm far too bad for Heaven!
The Devil is afraid I'll take his place!

On 10 Jan 2011, at 12:48, Sharon Ballantyne wrote:

> I am wondering where I might find the skype tutorial referred to in this 
> thread. I have had my MAC only a few days and amtrying to get my head around 
> it.
> I downloaded skype onto the MAC Satu. How can i check this is the latest 
> stable release referred to?
> I have the same short cut questions for answering, hanging up from a call and 
> finding my contacts list. With JAWS, control 1 tobring the list into focus is 
> rather useless and I don't want to "go back to the dark side" and revert to 
> windows. Any help appreciated.
> Sharon
> On 2011-01-10, at 1:35 AM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>> Hello. See my tutotrial on the latest stable release of skype but basically 
>> your first answer to yoru first question is no.
>> You should be able to type in the table and have your contact come in focus. 
>> your chat thing works like this. type the sms and hit I believe control 
>> enter. the keystroke ks different then a chat and I don't send sms messages 
>> as they are a bit bugy.
>> On Jan 9, 2011, at 10:26 PM, Marlaina Lieberg wrote:
>>> I mean the stable release.
>>> On Jan 9, 2011, at 3:25 PM, Nick Van Vlaenderen wrote:
>>> When you say you've got the newest version of Skype, do you mean the beta 
>>> version (version 5) or the stable release (version 2.8)?
>>> Nick
>>> On 9 Jan 2011, at 04:44, Marlaina Lieberg wrote:
>>>> Hi all.
>>>> I have the latest version (as of a week ago) of skype now running on my 
>>>> Air.  I have managed to use it somewhat successfully, but here are a few 
>>>> questions whose answers I can't find or figure.
>>>> 1.  Is there a shortcut key to answer a call?  And conversely, is there 
>>>> one to hang up?
>>>> 2.  Once I type my sms message, how do I send it?
>>>> 3.  Should I not be able to type the name of the contact I want to call or 
>>>> sms once in the list of contacts and have that person come into focus?
>>>> 4.  Is the chat feature accessible and if so, how do I see what is being 
>>>> typed to me?
>>>> 5.  I see names from my address book repeated, some as many as four times. 
>>>>  Can I get rid of the extras and if so, how?
>>>> Thanks in advance for any help; I was pretty proficient with skype in 
>>>> windows with window-eyes, so I sort of know what should be happening but 
>>>> in some cases is not.
>>>> Marlaina
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