Hi Denise!
I hope this helps you if you wish to try keyboard commander! :]
I'm far too bad for Heaven!
The Devil is afraid I'll take his place!
Begin forwarded message:

> From: Colin M <velocity.focu...@gmail.com>
> Date: 26 December 2010 12:13:56 GMT
> To: macvisionaries group <macvisionaries@googlegroups.com>
> Cc: Colin M <velocity.focu...@gmail.com>
> Subject: Keyboard commander helps
> Hi all!
> Some of you know this already!
> And some of you use track pad or number commander!
> But after all this time I took the plunge and looked at keyboard commander! :]
> I've now got that finger twister vo+fn+shift+left or right arrows down to 
> right option+b for [go to beginning] and right option+e for [end]
> It was easy to set up!And as a bonus I now have right option+m for mail,right 
> opt+s for safari,right  opt+t for time and right+x for voiceover screenshot 
> to apple [ if I ever need it]
> and right opt+u for unread message count!
> And It looks like you can set up loads as long as the keys are available!
> Now just in case someone needs to know!
> I started with opening vo+f8, then interacted with the categories table 
> scrolled down to commanders and stopped interacting!
> Then selected the keyboard tab and then checked the enable keyboard commander!
> Next you have the option to pick which option key you want to use [ it looks 
> like the right option key is picked by default] but you could choose the left 
> if you think it would be better for you!
> I then went to the table of commands there was the time, safari,mail and the 
> other 2!
> Next to the table is an add button vo+space on that then you get a menu of 
> all the vo things so I went to navigation and selected go to beginning 
> vo+space then left arrow where you can type the letter you want [ for me the 
> letter  b]
> Then I did the same for end but the letter e of course! :]
> And low  and behold it works!
> So have a play who knows what help it will give you!
> Colin
> I'm far too bad for Heaven!
> The Devil is afraid I'll take his place!

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