Growl? Grwol was never accesssible for me.  when a notification comes
up voice over just says system dialog but doesnt read it.
Am i doing something wrong?

On 12/23/10, erik burggraaf <> wrote:
> Growl is a notification system.  Growl enabled programs can use it to give
> audio and visual notifications when a task is completed or a program needs
> attention or some such.  You can use it to alert you when files are placed
> in your drop box, when incoming chat messages arrive or contacts sign in or
> out, or any number of other events on your computer.
> It's useful or not depending on what you like to do with your computer and
> how much feedback you like to get.
> Best,
> Erik Burggraaf
> User support consultant,
> Now posting occasionally on twitter at eburggraaf,
> 1-888-255-5194
> On 2010-12-23, at 12:35 PM, brandt wrote:
>> Hi there folks,
>> Being on the brink of swiching, I am trying to get as much info as I can.
>> I have seen "growl" refered to often, and am wondering, what is it, what
>> make it useful  and how is it used.
>> Regards,
>> Brandt Steenkamp
>> MSN/Windows live:
>> Google talk:
>> AIM:
>> Skype: brandt.steenkamp007
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