Another option

1. Turn on speak mouse after a delay (see previous message)
2. Set VO tracking options so that VO follows mouse instead of mouse
ffollows VO.
3. Turn off trackpad commander if using trackpad.4. Use the mouse if
you hover over an item for a small amount of time, it should read it
to you.  I haven't played with this for about a year, but there might
be issues if the VO cursor is following the mouse and the the
Insertion point is following the VO cursor. In all likelyhood, whenyou
move the mouse you will lose the place you were typing if you were
typing.  Gee, I wonder if HOT SSspots and AppleScripting of UI could
solve this problem... Something like on mouse move... If it has been
greater then X minutes since last mouse move then save VO position in
hotspot 9.

If this could be implemented, then one could easily SNAP back to the
insertion point.

Very interesting, too bad I haven't the time to figure out the UI
elemenTs of AppleScript.


On 02/12/2010, Anne Robertson <> wrote:
> Hello Marlaina,
> To move the mouse to places that VO cannot reach, you need to turn on
> MouseKeys. This is done in System Preferences under Universal Access. Select
> the fourth tab, Mouse & Trackpad, and just to the right you'll find
> MouseKeys.
> You have to hold down the FN key to use the K, U, I, O, and 8 keys to
> control the mouse when MouseKeys is on.
> You also need to check the Speak text under mouse after delay check box in
> the Announcements tab of the Verbosity category in the VoiceOver Utility.
> Cheers,
> Anne
> On 2 Dec 2010, at 03:50, Marlaina Lieberg wrote:
>> Ok, I get that.  But Esther said she uses the mouse to find the sample
>> button on audible to hear book samples.  I should have been more clear
>> that I want to know how to do that sort of thing.
>> Marlaina
>> On Dec 1, 2010, at 6:34 PM, Mike Arrigo wrote:
>> You would use the voiceover cursor for that, there's no need to involve
>> the mouse, use the control option arrow keys for that. Voice over does not
>> use the mouse for reviewing the way windows screen readers do.
>> On Nov 30, 2010, at 9:03 PM, Marlaina Lieberg wrote:
>>> Ok but if I want to explore a page or a document using the mouse, how do
>>> I do that?
>>> On Nov 30, 2010, at 6:56 PM, Mike Arrigo wrote:
>>> This depends on how you want to move it. Pressing control option command
>>> F5 will move the mouse to the item the voice over cursor is on. You can
>>> also set the mouse to follow the voice over cursor, this is a setting in
>>> voice over utility.
>>> On Nov 30, 2010, at 6:00 PM, Marlaina Lieberg wrote:
>>>> Any ideas would be appreciated.
>>>> Marlaina
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