Hello Claudio,

I maintain a list of discussion groups for the Mac and VoiceOver on my French 
site: www.cecimac.org

Would you mind if I added your group to my list?



On 30 Nov 2010, at 05:53, Claudio Haase wrote:

> Hi Rafaela, I'am a brazilian user of the apple products. I plan to
> join your list.
> By the way, I have a list to discuss accessibility on the Apple
> devices in portuguese. If someone want's to join, can do this by send
> an e-mail to iphone-acessivel+subscr...@googlegroups.com.
> On 11/30/10, Rafaela Freundt <rafafreu...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi everyone,
>> I hope it is ok for me to post this here.
>> There are a lot of great resources out there for english-speaking people to
>> know more or find help about the wonderful Apple products and voiceover. I
>> am from Peru, but have myself no problem with english.
>> But there are lots of spanish-speaking people that do not understand
>> english, and so can not make use of lists and forums like this one.
>> For this reason, I have created a list for spanish-speaking people to
>> subscribe to, and for us to share our knowledge of Apple Accessibility.
>> If someone here is from a spanish-speaking country or just plain knows
>> spanish  and would like to join me and help get the awareness of Apple and
>> what it is doing for us blind people, you are more than welcome to join this
>> new list.
>> I hope you understand where I am coming from and are willing to help.
>> you can subscribe to this list by sending a message to
>> accesibilidadapple+subscr...@googlegroups.com or visiting the url
>> http://groups.google.com/group/accesibilidadapple
>> Thanks again for reading and I hope you will join me on this.
>> Rafaela Freundt
>> E-mail/MSN: rafafreu...@gmail.com
>> Skype: rafafreundt
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