Hi all,

I'm curious about one thing. In the contacts it says rows 78 of 98 but I can 
only see up to row 78. I cannot go passed this row and I'm not sure why. THe 
three finger flick up will not accomplish this. It's just odd that it's 
saying-there are more contacts than it is displaying. Any help would be greatly 
appreciated. what am I doing wrong? THank you for all the help you have 
provided thus far. Have a great day.

My birds are winged blessings, they help me soar!

On Nov 16, 2010, at 3:44 AM, Sarah Alawami wrote:

> I have no issues with that as I try exporting the address book via the mac 
> and backing up my phone every day. 
> On Nov 15, 2010, at 21:06, Allison Manzino <gwennac...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi James,
>> I'm sorry I got you so upset. I think the fualt lies with me, I  should have 
>> assumed that the contacts would disappear since they are not synced to my 
>> IIphone, but didn't. This is the 3GS I was pseaking of not the four. I 
>> didn't make that clear in my post. Luckily, I can get most of the contacts 
>> back, two of my colleagues I will see tomorrow, and the other woman I have 
>> her number stored on my Voicemail. I will look at the tool you mentioned. 
>> Have a wonderful day.
>> Musically,
>> Allison
>> My birds are winged blessings, they help me soar!
>> On Nov 15, 2010, at 11:29 PM, James Mannion wrote:
>>> I am aware, as many are, that there are wide spread reports all over
>>> the internet of contacts disappearing problems on the IPhone in 4.x. I
>>> do not know in exactly what situations it happens, but in my opinion
>>> it is completely unaceptable that they are going to make something
>>> that claims to be a damn cell phone and there are reliability issues
>>> with the contacts even dstaying on the damn thing! This is just what I
>>> think is a justified frustration with this product not measuring up to
>>> acceptable standards in an area where it clearly should. In any case,
>>> I have come to the conclusion that a way around part of the problem of
>>> the lack of reliability, and only part of the problem but at least a
>>> big part, is to use a program like IDrive lite or contact tools to
>>> backup your contacts from the phone once you have them the way you
>>> want them and these programs allow a way of restoring selected
>>> contacts or the entire database. Contact tools keeps the backup on the
>>> phone internally in its own file in your choice of formats, a couple
>>> of which are able to be used for a restore and IDrive lite backs them
>>> up to their server on the internet and can be accessed through a web
>>> browser from anywhere. The parts that definitely can not solve is the
>>> inconvenience and the issue of when some disappear and you get an
>>> incoming call from one that has disappeared at that time and the phone
>>> will not recognize who that is and will give you a number instead I
>>> presume on the caller ID that hopefully you will recognize at that
>>> time. An unreliable contacts manager in something that has any damn
>>> business calling itself a phone is something that is just absolutely
>>> unacceptable in my opinion for sure though. Maybe 4.2 will fix it, but
>>> I doubt that more than I would assume it would. I love what the IPhone
>>> afords us in accessibility, but I can't stand what I perceive as
>>> Apple's attitude towards quality assurance in their products. They get
>>> by on people's inflated illusions in that area. Yes that is my
>>> opinion. Yes some will disagree. Can they back up their position? I
>>> don't know.
>>> On 11/15/10, Allison Manzino <gwennac...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Hi Sarah and all,
>>>> No These contacts were manually added by me on the Iphone. Now, I can't 
>>>> find
>>>> them uh oh. I'm confused because I thought the Iphone backed up
>>>> automatically. One of them is the number for the cab company I use to get 
>>>> to
>>>> work :(.
>>>> Musically,
>>>> Allison
>>>> My birds are winged blessings, they help me soar!
>>>> On Nov 15, 2010, at 3:37 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>>>>> Are they on your mac address book? if not they might have been removed
>>>>> that way.
>>>>> Take care.
>>>>> s
>>>>> On Nov 15, 2010, at 12:33 PM, Allison Manzino wrote:
>>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>>> I'm not sure if this is the right list to post to. So I apologize in
>>>>>> advance. I tried to sync my contacts this morning, and two contacts that
>>>>>> previously existed on my Iphone are gone. Where did they go? Any help
>>>>>> would be greatly appreciated. Have a wonderful day.
>>>>>> Cheerfully,
>>>>>> Allison
>>>>>> My birds are winged blessings, they help me soar!
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