
I agree with that. After that, we just need Stream Companion for Mac OS X and 
we're good to go.

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On Nov 11, 2010, at 10:33 AM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:

> Yeah, that should work.  I'm told that HW is aware of the issues authorizing 
> the Stream to play audible books using the Mac.  I don't want to start 
> needless speculation here, but, I reckon it sure would be nice if Humanware 
> would finally come out with a solution which would allow Mac users to 
> natively authorize the Stream to play audible.com books without having to go 
> in to blasted windows.
> Perhaps we should politely gang up on them?
> Sincerely, 
> The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
> Now A Very Proud and very happy Mac user!!!
> Skype Name:
> barefootedray
> On Nov 11, 2010, at 1:57 AM, Kevin Reeves wrote:
>> Thanks so much for this. However, How would she get the stream authorized to 
>> run audible books if we can't get it working? Should we authorize it on 
>> another windows machine, then we could just move all the downloaded audible 
>> files to the card manually through the finder? WOuld that work? Thanks again.
>> Kevin
>> On Nov 10, 2010, at 11:19 PM, Mike Arrigo wrote:
>>> I think it might be vmware, since I had the same thing happen with windows 
>>> XP. My suggestion for audible is to simply use a card reader, and liet 
>>> itunes handle the downloading of the audible content.
>>> On Nov 10, 2010, at 10:30 PM, Kevin Reeves wrote:
>>>> Hey folks. A friend of mine has an MBP 13-inch with Snowleopard, VM Ware, 
>>>> and Windows 7. She needs to plug her stream in via windows in order to be 
>>>> able to move audible books to it using the audible manager. When I plug 
>>>> the stream into the computer, I get the dialog asking me if I want to 
>>>> connect to mac or windows. I choose windows, but nothing happens: no alert 
>>>> sound, no nothing. I've tried this with 2 separate streams on 2 separate 
>>>> machines running the same setup. Even when the stream is plugged in and I 
>>>> try to go to the connect USB submenu, the stream does not appear. Several 
>>>> questions come to mind.
>>>> 1. Is this a windows 7 or vmware problem, or both? I know that windows 7 
>>>> users can access the stream no problem, but I wonder if the vm ware layer 
>>>> is adding extra problems.
>>>> 2. If the stream is a complete no go, is there a way to load the audible 
>>>> books and authorization on the memory card? This individual is very 
>>>> irritated about the fact that this won't work. If anyone can help, I'd 
>>>> really appreciated. You guys rock.
>>>> Kevin
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