
 I use itunes on both mc and pc, and I find it just as easy either way.
 I just think itunes is a waste of time and the iphone / ipod / ipad would
be such a easier thing to setup, if it didn't rely soley on needing itunes.

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Austin Seraphin
Sent: Saturday, 6 November 2010 7:09 a.m.
Subject: Re: Introduction

I found iTunes under Windows inaccessible. That all happened before I
purchased my Mac. I agree, iTunes runs much better under the Mac, glad to

On Nov 4, 2010, at 6:25 PM, Tim Kilburn wrote:

> Hi Austin,
> Welcome to the list and very interesting article.  I just got my iPhone
about 3 weeks ago and love it as well.  I'm wondering why or what
specifically you find inaccessible about iTunes.  I use it all the time on
my Macs, my iPad and my iPhone and find it very accessible and easy to use.
In fact, I read your article and used itunes to subsequently purchased the
Color Identifier app you mentioned in your article.
> Have a good one.
> Later...
> Tim Kilburn
> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
> On 2010-11-04, at 3:14 PM, Austin Seraphin wrote:
>> Hello. I have had quite a last few months. Apples everywhere! First, I
got an iPhone in June. I wrote an article about it, which went viral:
>> Since then I've appeared in such publications as the Atlantic and on
CBC's weekly technology program Spark. I immediately fell in love with Apple
again, since I actually started on an Apple II/E with an Echo II speech
synthesizer, to anyone who remembers that. It still works, by the way. After
I got an iPhone I got an iPad to check out the larger screen. I knew at some
point I would get a Mac, and one day a month and a half ago I knew the time
had come:
>> I absolutely love my Mac. I got an iMac to do audio editing, but now just
use it for everything of course. I also just got one of the beautiful brand
new MacBook Air 11-inch models. Now I have the whole line!
>> Unlike many, I actually come to the Mac from Linux, having ditched
Windows years ago. I felt delighted to learn that a lot of my knowledge will
not go to waste. I feel that Apple has brought the cutting edge to the
blind, for example bringing the power of touchpad gestures to the desktop. I
also appreciate the way it combines a clean interface on top of a Unix
environment. I look forward to learning so much! The Apple Accessibility
team contacted me because of my iPhone article, and recommended I join this
list. I feel glad I did, I've already started learning things. Check out my
blog and read about my adventures, including my most recent tale of getting
a MobileMe account. 
>> No doubt I will have many more Apple tales!
>> -- 
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