Hi Paul,

You're welcome, but just to clarify for other list members, your earlier posted question about Address Book (sent off list directly to me) was about the problem of renaming groups that are created under Address Book. And I have to give credit for this solution to Ray Foret (aka "The Constantly Barefooted Ray"). Your feedback should go to the accessibility team (accessibil...@apple.com).

The message quoted below, while also about problems encountered using the Address Book, is a different problem, in which David suddenly lost the ability to add new fields or remove contacts in the Address Book on his Mac, where previously this was possible. When he created a brand new account, he was able to make these modifications again, so the likely answer is that a file containing the Address Book preferences for his original user account has gotten corrupted, and deleting the file from his Library/Preferences folder should solve his problem. I'm giving this brief summary, because since David's original post, various other list members have chimed in with different individual problems having to do with the Address Book on both the Mac and on the iPhone, and I found it difficult to follow the thread of the discussion, which also migrated across to a second list.

HTH.  Cheers,


On Oct 21, 2010, Paul Hunt wrote:

Hello Esther. Thanks so much for your help with the address book. To rename a group, I just arrow to it, turn voiceover off press enter and thpe the new name. Then when I turn voiceover on it’s changed. It doesn’t matter if I have any cards in the group. I don’t kno whether the feedback should go to the address book team or the accessibility team.

From: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com [mailto:macvisionaries@googlegroups.com ] On Behalf OfEsther
Sent: Wednesday, October 20, 2010 11:37 PM
To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: Something weird with the Adress Book..

Hi David,

I haven't been following this thread, but if your initial problem was not being able to read your Address Book, and you tried to solve it by creating a new user account, it sounds to me as though the original problem was that the preferences for your Address Book got corrupted. A corrupted plist file is the second most common source of problems on the Mac (although it's far less common than having to repair permissions, which is the first most common fix that most users will have to do). Since the way this affects your application can be quite diverse, the most common way of checking that the problem is specific to your account, and not a bug in the application, is to do what you've done, and try to run the application from another account. If the application works without problems, then there's some local setting in your account that is the source of the problem -- most likely your preferences file for this app, since this is individual to each user.

The fix is to go to your Library/Preferences folder and look for some file containing the application name. From your home directory (Command-Shift-H), you can use the Command-Shift-G "Go to Folder" shortcut in Finder, and type or paste in:
into the dialog window that pops up, and then press return, to navigate to your folder. In this case the likely files are com.apple.AddressBook.plist and com.apple.AddressBook.abd.plist. (I think the "abd" stands for "Address Book data". If you're having trouble updating the address book information, that might be the applicable file, but either of the two could be responsible.) While your Address Book application closed, copy one or both of these files to another location, like your Desktop or any other folder, and delete the versions of these files that are in your Library/Preferences folder. Launch your Address Book application and check to see whether the problems have gone away. If the Mac does not find a plist file for an application when you open it, your system will create a new plist file with the default preference settings. If your app now works, one of the two files was corrupted. To find out which one, and get your preferences back, quit Address Book and delete one of the new versions of a file, like com.apple.AddressBook.abd.plist from your Preferences Library and copy back the original version that you saved to your Desktop or other location. Then launch Address Book again, and check whether things are still working.

Because plist files hold your preferences for using an application, they're opened and closed every time you access that application. This is why it's possible for the file to become corrupted if you exit in an odd way -- most times things are OK, but these files are opened and saved so many times that there's a small chance that they won't be closed correctly and become corrupted if you use an application frequently enough over a long enough time.

There's also an old software (freeware) program called Preferential Treatment that can check for corrupted plist files:

However, usually by the time you have this problem, you end up doing the fix by hand. HTH.



On Oct 20, 2010,  David Hole wrote:

Something new to add here..
I have another user on my Mac, and when I tried logging in whit that one everything worked well.
I don't want to create a whole new user just becoz of that.
So, where can I find the settings for AB and set to "default" so it maybe works as it should?
Thanks in advance.

Den 06.10.2010 22:55, skrev Colin M:

Hi David!
Me again, I do not know either that you know about this or that it will work if you do not! I've only discovered this myself and if anyone else reading this does not no , this may be of interest to them! In the address book preferences after interacting with the tool bar, there's an option called accounts and in there you can sync. [ on my Mac ]
Mobile me, gmail and yahoo!
So to you david have you looked in there to see if you've got that one use sincd with your address book! If you tried that as well then my limited knowledge has come to an end!
Oh well here's to you getting it sorted! :]
On 6 Oct 2010, at 21:17, David Hole wrote:

Hi Colin and rest of ye.
That solution just removes the fields in general.
I will remove a specific field for a specific contact, and that is just impossible.
A month or so ago, I was able to do so, but a week ago, it wasn't :(
Could there maybe be some settings I've done somewhere?
I don't know if it helps when I say that I sync my contacts with www.soocial.com with their sync-app? I've been through the settings for that app, but nothing there seems to have something with the address book in it self to do.
Kind regards David

Den 06.10.2010 20:55, skrev Colin M:
Hi David!
If you go to the address book preferences with the command [ command + comma ] Sit on the tool bar and interact with it, you should be on general, right arrow to the template button and vo+ spacebar and you should be in the template and you can remove all kinds of fields in there! I've just removed associate field, so hopefully that will solve your problem! Also I've seen a table of fields to the left of the template scroll area, so there might be an field in there you might want to [ or not ] add! :]
Colin hth
On 6 Oct 2010, at 19:10, David Hole wrote:

Hi guys, and thanks for all the answers.
Actually nothing of that seems to work for me :(
I can edit contact information as usual, but I can't click the add new field or remove-button. Let's say, I have a contact that have 2 mail-adresses. Then I want to remove one of them since the contact don't use that anymore. When moving to the remove-button, I just can't click it. It's like greyed out :(
Still hope someone can help me out with his.
Kind regards David

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