Hi guys,

I am looking to buy the book port plus from APH here rather soon.  It
seems to be a very good device and I'm really looking forward to using

I've a few questions about it and the Mac.  How would you put NLS DTBs
on it?  Would you just hook it up to the Mac and the Mac would just
treat it as a mass storage device as it does my thumbdrives currently?

Would I be better off getting a card reader and just accessing the
card via that?

I haven't access to a windows computer, but as far as I understand you
must have windows to regester the BPP with audible.  Does anyone do
this?  I just figured I might skip that step as I read all my audible
books via the iPhone app so this wouldn't be a "must have".

According to APH website I can use a 32GB HC card.  How much are those
and what ones are best?  How much is a card reader and what ones are
good that work with Mac.

Is there anything additional I need to know about the BPP and Mac?  Do
they play nice together or are there some tricks I need to know so I
can get thse two bits of tech working hand in hand?

Thanks much for any help smile


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