The first thing to do is to come up with your own standard way of marking out section headings and stick to that. Then since you know what your own standard is, you'll know how and what to search for. I'm on the treasurescroll list with and just above each new product listing two asterisks are placed on a line by themselves. latex exists and is a language very often used to mark up mathematics papers with section headers and the like but I suppose latex in your case might be the equivalent of using a deuterium bomb on a gnat. The key here for finding out what others are doing though is "mark up languages". I almost forgot, you might look at groff that's the latest incarnation in a long line that went from roff to troff and ditroff now to groff. People were using those in the Apple environment back as far as the Apple II days in educational institutions and doing so heavily. On Wed, 13 Oct 2010, Linda Adams wrote:

Thanks Liam for asking this question.  I too, would be interested.  I use text 
edit and would want the tags to be permanent.  Does anything exist that would 
do this for us?


On Oct 13, 2010, at 6:17 PM, DJ Nezumi wrote:

i was wondering if there is a way to tag certain sections in a
document that can be jumped to either using VO or the mac keystrokes
in general.
for example on windoes i am able to do this using the headings list in
is there an equivalent of doing this in mac?
thanks regards

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