Hi Damon!

Simply go into the Bootcamp Assistant again, and you click continue. Then, you 
get two choices. "Create or remove Windows partition" or "Start the Windows 
Installer". Obviously, you choose the first choice, select the partition you 
want to remove if you have multiple ones and click restore.

That's all there is to it.

On Oct 13, 2010, at 10:10 PM, Damon Fibraio wrote:

> Is it possible to delete a bootcamp partition? I have a macbook pro with snow 
> lepard on it. I used bootcamp to dual boot windows xp. I think I want to kill 
> that partition and just use the mac osx operating system. How can I do this? 
> Is it even possible?
> --
> Damon Fibraio
> screen names -- aol: dfibraio...msn dfibr...@comcast.net. skype: dfibraio
> Find me on facebook as Damon fibraio or twitter as dfibraio
> personal music site: http://www.keyboardguy.com.
> Band web site: Days Before Tomorrow, http://www.daysbeforetomorrow.com
> -- 
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