
Since Cara and her good buddy Elvis Presley (and y'all actually thought he was 
dead) are off in the South of France spending those millions that come her way 
every time you click on a Maccessibility article I thought I'd put on my 
moderator hat for the first time on this list to request closure of this topic.

To be honest there were a number of occasions when I wished there were a couple 
more lines in the Maccessibility email so I wouldn't have to click on the link. 
 In many cases though I was already aware of the content -- e.g. Esther wrote 
her typical excellent and informative description of the new IOS4.1 key 
commands.  Saving her post rendered perusal of that article superfluous.  When 
the couple lines made me curious enough to click on the link, however I 
accepted the reality that this is how main stream communication is conducted 
today.  If someone asks about basic voiceOver commands would you cut and paste 
the text of applicable chapters from the VO getting started guide into a reply 
and fill everyone's in-box, or  simply reference the URL?  I would suggest that 
the latter is infinitely more desirable especially for the majority who 
wouldn't be in need of this information.  Sorry, but in this day and age its a 
reasonable expectation that users be capable of clicking links contained in 
emails since browser integration has been a basic feature of main stream email 
clients as far back  as the mid 1990s.  More over, screen readers offer a way 
to quickly skip to headings, or voiceOver's item chooser would probably do the 

And speaking of filling up in-boxes, I would suggest that the venting, 
conspiracy theories and general foolishness over a policy someone pointed out 
early on "aint gonna" change consumed  much more human life than, gasp, having 
to click on a link so as to learn more about a topic of interest.  Just do the 
math.  We presently have 556 subscribers.  For sake of argument lets say it 
takes an average of five seconds to deal with a post, though I'm sure its 
probably much longer.  Okay, so five seconds times 556 subscribers equals 46 
minutes and 20 seconds of human life for every post.  This is why I believe 
it's important to make one's post count, and there is really no value whipping 
a dead horse.

I don't personally know Maccessibility's business model, but lets say for sake 
of argument that the authors get some kind of compensation from advertisers 
based on list traffic.  Okay, seriously, even if this is so, WTF is wrong with 
that?  How does this vary from sites such as Snopes or Google, or just about 
every other site we routinely visit.  From what I've seen, a lot of work goes 
into Maccessibility and I suspect it's not likely to by groceries, let alone 
send anyone on a crews to the South of France with Elvis.  As with any other 
site you absolutely have a choice whether the content warrants your time to 

Now can we please put this topic to bed?  Hope everyone is having a great 

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