Ah, Ricardo:
Thanks for getting back to me.  I found out it's double-tap on the left side of 
the screen in the middle.  This is getting to be a very cool device.  But, 
Safari was behaving incredibly badly during my training session.  It set a good 
example for the team of some of the cr*p we have to go through at times.:)
Take care and thanks
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Ricardo Walker 
  To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com 
  Sent: Saturday, September 11, 2010 9:14 PM
  Subject: Re: tracpad question


  I generally use the track pad commander for surfing the web.  I don't use it 
very much in apps like Mail and iTunes because it forces me to interact with 
tables and such more than I find necessary.  I'm not sure why double tapping on 
the Mail app isn't opening it up for you though.  The commander sure does cut 
down on some of those 4 and 5 key combos.  lol.  This is where making your own 
assignable gestures comes into play.
  On Sep 11, 2010, at 11:08 PM, Carolyn wrote:

  > Hi guys:
  > It suddenly strikes me that I often find myself exploring the mbp on 
kSaturday nights, coming up with questions.  So, true to form, here we go:
  > I've worked for about a year with the iPhone, and understand how to make 
gestures.  I'm finally starting to try to move this knowledge to the multitouch 
trackpad.  Something that isn't clear to me is how to employ the trackpad and 
when to opt for it rather than keyboard.  Here then is my question:
  > I have managed to select the Mail app on the trackpad.  Is there a way to 
open it from there?  Because when I attempt the double tap, that does nothing.  
  > I feel like I'm closer to linking the devices together in my understanding, 
but missing something.
  > Any input welcome. and tia
  > Carolyn
  > (apple obsessed)
  > -- 
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