Thanks I'll pass this to apple. and I"ll have a look when I'm feeling up to it.

Take care.

On Aug 13, 2010, at 2:22 PM, Esther wrote:

> Hi Sarah,
> There have been discussions between developers and Apple, as well as users 
> and Apple about this issue.  I'm giving you a link to an old, archived list 
> post on this subject that describes the issues:
> (Accessible Status Menu Bar Icons and VoiceOver)
> The problem is that the default method that Apple recommends to developers of 
> implementing status menu bar icons does not expose these icons to VoiceOver.  
> The private API method that Apple uses for its own applications does make 
> these icons available.  There may be reasons why developers should not use 
> the Apple private API calls because of they may require access to other 
> system features that the apps should not be able to control.  However, the 
> big problem is that the standard, recommended system calls for status menu 
> bar icons leaves us with an accessibility issue for VoiceOver.  The linked 
> post describes this in more detail, and also links to some other sources, 
> such as queries from developers or their blog posts.
> For some apps, access to the status menu bar icon is not absolutely necessary 
> -- it's a convenience, but the built-in app shortcuts do everything that you 
> would need by accessing the status menu bar icon  For other apps, there are 
> hooks in the way the app is designed so that you can tie an AppleScript to 
> those hooks to again work the necessary commands.  Users should not need to 
> have to know how to do this, but at least there's a work around.  The problem 
> is that there are still a number of apps for which alternative access methods 
> cannot easily be found.
> This issue came up again with Dropbox and Snow Leopard on the list:
> (Snow Leopard and Dropbox any ideas?)
> I know there was a solution that I'll try to dig out.
> HTH. Cheers,
> Esther
> On Aug 13, 2010, Sarah Alawami  wrote:
>> Is there no other way we can get to hthese status icons? I am unsure of how 
>> to write to apple regarding this oddness. Several apps require finder menues 
>> we can't access.
>> S
>> On Aug 13, 2010, at 1:13 PM, Esther wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> OK, scratch that information then.  I have to say that my experience with 
>>> getting to the Dropbox icon on the status menu bar with the window chooser 
>>> menu from Finder was the first report I'd ever seen for VoiceOver, and it 
>>> was at least a year and a half ago  The "Just Notes" beta version that I 
>>> was using as a desktop counterpart for my Simplenote iPhone/iPod Touch app 
>>> also works this way.  I never bothered to update the setup after a certain 
>>> point, because it was working.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Esther
>>> On Aug 13, 2010, at 09:54 AM, Ray Foret Jr  wrote:
>>>> Thing is, I just went to my finder window, pressed VO+F2 twice quickly to 
>>>> get in to the window chooser menu, and all there is is just one window.  
>>>> That's the desk top window.
>>>> Sincerely,
>>>> The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
>>>> On Aug 13, 2010, at 2:46 PM, Esther wrote:
>>>>> Hi Ray,
>>>>> I was using window chooser menu (VO-F2 twice) from Finder.  And the entry 
>>>>> for Dropbox that I choose is "untitled" as described in my earlier post 
>>>>> -- not, as I typed here, "unknown".
>>>>> HTH.  Cheers,
>>>>> Esther
>>>>> On Aug 13, 2010, Ray Foret Jr  wrote:
>>>>>> It must do because I am in my Apple Mail client and I can't find it 
>>>>>> either.  Another thing.  When I'm in the typing keybord program, (the 
>>>>>> one that makes your keyboard sound like a typewriter), there's supposed 
>>>>>> to be another menu item to the right of the help menu; but, I can never 
>>>>>> find it.
>>>>>> Sincerely,
>>>>>> The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
>>>>>> A Very Proud and Happy Mac User!!!
>>>>>> E-Mail:
>>>>>> rforetjr at comcast dot net
>>>>>> Skype Name:
>>>>>> barefootedray
>>>>>> On Aug 13, 2010, at 2:33 PM, Esther wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi Louie,
>>>>>>> I set up my Dropbox account over a year and a half ago -- the "unknown" 
>>>>>>> in the Window chooser menu was a real surprise and the first time I'd 
>>>>>>> ever encountered this.  It's possible that the current installation 
>>>>>>> works differently.
>>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>>> Esther
>>>>>>> On Aug 13, 2010, at 09:05 AM, louie wrote:
>>>>>>>> athanks I could nod find any thing call unkowned from the window 
>>>>>>>> choser menu.
>>>>>>>> I must have some other configuration set wrong.
>>>>>>>> On Aug 13, 2010, at 11:46 AM, Esther wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Hi Louie,
>>>>>>>>> To get to the Dropbox icon on your status menu bar, use window 
>>>>>>>>> chooser menu (VO-F2 twice), and choose "untitled".  Then, route your 
>>>>>>>>> mouse cursor to that location, which will be the Dropbox icon on the 
>>>>>>>>> status menu bar.  There are a couple of apps I know of that work this 
>>>>>>>>> way, where you can get around the fact that the icon on the status 
>>>>>>>>> menu is not seen by VoiceOver by using VO-F2 twice. Unfortunately (if 
>>>>>>>>> you're using more than one of these), they all identify their icon as 
>>>>>>>>> "untitled", so you have to determine whether you want the first or 
>>>>>>>>> second "untitled" in the window chooser menu list.  
>>>>>>>>> Mike, Dropbox is a cross-platform file sharing program that you can 
>>>>>>>>> use to share or sync files across machines, You can also use this 
>>>>>>>>> through an app on your iPhone or iPod Touch as a way of transferring 
>>>>>>>>> files.  I think you get 2 GB of file space for free when you sign up. 
>>>>>>>>>  You can purchase additional space.  Also, unlike some file sharing 
>>>>>>>>> services, the transmission and data are encrypted with SSL, and 
>>>>>>>>> sharable folders can only be viewed by people you invite.  
>>>>>>>>> HTH.  Cheers,
>>>>>>>>> Esther
>>>>>>>>> Michael Busboom  wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Hello.
>>>>>>>>>> Although I cannot answer your question, I have one of my own. What 
>>>>>>>>>> is a drop box?
>>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>>>> Mike
>>>>>>>>>> On 13,Aug,2010, at 8:13 PM, louie wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> > Hi all,
>>>>>>>>>> > I am told by my sighted friend that there is a dropbox item on the 
>>>>>>>>>> > finder menu bar.
>>>>>>>>>> > How do you get to this item?
>>>>>>>>>> > Thanks for any help.
>>>>>>>>>> > 
>>>>>>>>>> > louie
>>>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>>>> >
>>> --
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