Hi Blake and Joel,

Try doing a double tap and hold on the button. What's happening is that the app is waiting for you to double tap the button again. On the iPad, where this all works, the button for the price or "free" changes into a "Get Book" button that you double tap again to confirm your selection/purchase. Then you are prompted to enter your iTunes password. What I had to do on my iPod Touch was locate the button where "Get Book" should have shown up by moving my finger up slightly from "Get Sample" button. Then I toggled VoiceOver off and tapped once in that location, and toggled VoiceOver back on. I was at the window where VoiceOver prompts you for you iTunes password, so I typed that in and the book downloaded. The second time, I tried a double tap and hold on the button. This might only have worked because my iTunes password was still active, though. I would report this as an accessibility issue. The books did show up in my library after I typed in the iTunes password, but I was experimenting with free books for this trial run.



Blake Sinnett wrote:

I do a search and click on the book I want. From there, there's a button that says free or the price of the book. That's the button I'm talking about.


From: zimbameis...@gmail.com
Subject: Re: iBooks issue on iPod touch and possibly iPhone
Date: Mon, 21 Jun 2010 18:58:07 -0400
To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com

hang on,

when you say the button to buy a book, which one do you mean?

do you mean the button labelled "buy" when you are reading a sample, or do you mean the one that says "get book" or whatever in the store?

I have not tried the former.


On Jun 21, 2010, at 6:50 PM, Blake Sinnett wrote:

Hi folks,

I've noticed an undesirable happening with iBooks on my touch. Upon double tapping the button to buy a book, it doesn't seem to work and that button disappears. When I tap and hold until the pass-through noise is heard, I can get it to go past the book info screen.

So far, I've had one other person confirm it on her iPhone and wonder if anyone else with iPod touches and/or iPhones wouldn't mind trying this out. If you find the same, I reckon we should report it to Apple


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